Just so you know, I'm not into politics. I never post something that ever touch about politics issues or etc before this.
Let's do it in a clean way.
But, this video has gone overboard. It's about religion. It's about Islam.
Please, what are these monkeys people trying to say?
If we don't know about something, don't we ever bother to talk about it. Or we'll end up look stupid. Believe me.
" Kalau guna hukum hudud pun, tak jadi apanya."
"Lagi terok jadinya."
Dear makcik and pakcik, you better learn about hudud after this. Hudud is not created by human being. It's hukum Allah.
Err, do you even know about this? I'm in doubt.
Because if you know, you wouldn't have the gut to speak the way you speak in the video.
It's okay old folks, you still have time to learn.
Oh one more thing, where do you get the fact that Kelantan has the highest number in AIDS cases, single parent problems, woman works at illegal places and etc ?
Kalau tak betul dah kira fitnah kan? Sigh.
Oh one more thing, where do you get the fact that Kelantan has the highest number in AIDS cases, single parent problems, woman works at illegal places and etc ?
Kalau tak betul dah kira fitnah kan? Sigh.
p/s: People say politic is a load crap. I choose to agree. This vid is a prove. This is all for the sake of politic. Ain't it?
Pathetic bunch of people.
cis, aku tak dapat tengok video tu sebab aku dah blog youtube. kat youtube je boleh tengok. T_T
tapi aku faham apa yang kau sampaikan. dorang ni memang aku rasa tak kenal pun Islam.
lagi-lagi yang kafir laknatullah duk sibuk hal orang Islam. bukannya bila hukum hudud ni dilaksanakan dorang ada kena mengena, dorang boleh pilih nak ikut hukum hudud atau hukum undang-undang sekarang. kan?
kalau terpesong marah la saya :)
aiseh kau kene tengok Zaid. melampau kot dorang ni. nak berpolitik pon jangan ah kait pasal agama.
boleh pilih? oh aku tak tau pasal tu.
gotta do research pasneh.
pehhh video ni sudah melampau -..-
Nenek pernah berkata: Jangan main dengan politik.. xbaik untuk ksihatan iman.. and politicians are all liars..
susah jugak nak cakap. kalau kita banned politik, nanti nak sroh sape jadi pemimpin.
big sigh.
aku dah tengok. aku rasa meletoppppp
sabar Zaid, sabar T_T
kau tak tau betapa aku meng control perasaan masa nak tulis post ni. phewhh
ntah ppe je diorang ni..just flag this pile of shit.. membodohkan their own self.
tadi ade nampak video ni kat FB, tapi bab2 yang ade kaitan dengan politik terus lemah semangat nak tengok..
oh look at who we have here. welcome back lut! :)
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