Korang tau tak apa maksud photogenic? Bcos I have a conversation where people seems don't grasp what photogenic is.
Saying "You're photogenic" to someone is another way to say that "You're actually ugly" to her/him.
A subject (generally a person) is photogenic if appearing aesthetically, or physically attractive or appealing in a photograph. - Wikipedia.
Contoh orang yang tak photogenic adalah Bront Palare. Bagi aku, dia taklah comel mana. Tapi tuh bila aku tengok dalam gambar.
Pastuh ada satu hari tu, aku jumpa dia dalam LRT. Furhhh, hes sooooooo charming people. Jadi kat sini, kita boleh classify kan Bront Palare as not photogenic. Sebab dalam gambar tak gorgeous as in real life.
Aku rasa Josh ni dualgenic. Sebab dalam gambar pon comel, in real life(macam aku penah jumpa) pon comel. Ok merapu, mana ada perkataan dualgenic. -.-'
Jadi, bila ada orang cakap kat korang, "Eh you ni photogenic la". Please, it's not a compliment. It's just an alternative way to say "How could you look this pretty/handsome when in real life you look like a half-done-bridge? Cruel.
You shoul read this too.
You shoul read this too.
p/s: Korang jenis yang photogenic atau tidak? :p
kesian saya
dah la real pun tak ensem
tgok kat gambar .. lagi tak ensem..
kui kui kui..
lepas ni sapa cakap aku photogenic memang tak akan jumpa kamera lagi. :P
bhahahah mai.
aku pun tak sggup tgk kamera lagi kalo org kta aku photogenik. :D
Nice entry.
bhahahah mai.
aku pun tak sggup tgk kamera lagi kalo org kta aku photogenik. :D
Nice entry.
woi, aku x photogenic aku dualgenic :) hahaha.
beberapa malam yang lepas, aku terfikir pasal ni. dan hari ni aku buka wikipedia, aku dapat ayat ni
"The state of being photogenic may or may not necessarily be related to one's physical attractiveness in real life."
so saying someone a photogenic DOES NOT ALWAYS mean that someone is ugly. hahaha
zaid. thanks dude. gonna do something about this.
hahaha...betul la maicher!
suka suka suka.
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