Everything is transitory, changes over time.
Facebook: Dulu penah bertakhta di hati. Hari-hari rasa nak bukak. Kalau tak bukak sehari rasa tak keruan. Pastuh boleh plak hadap benda tu je sampai 2-3 jam. zzz. Jelas menunjukkan sikap yang negatif.
Sekarang, kalau bukak pon mesti kejap je. Scroll laju², like yang mana patot, pastuh close tab. Kalau ada semakkan wall orang pon, sebab nak wish befday.
Ada antara kawan aku dah delete pon account dorang. Lagi la menambahkan sebab untuk aku tak bukak. Sebab takde kawan. Friend list memang ramai. Tapi entah sape² ntah. Aku pun pelik macam mana aku boleh approve strangers. Ada sorang tuh nama dia Sehiris Kek Lapis. Furh, kek lapis ada fesbuk!
Tapi still, aku bukak jugak. Untuk tengok update apa² tentang kampus. Haha.
Twitter: Juara di hati buat masa sekarang merangkap first tab yang akan dibukak setiap kali online. Aku rasa twitter lebih simple dan tidak menyerabutkan.
Walaupun follower aku di twitter tak banyak macam kat facebook, tapi aku rasa contented. Sebab follower yang tak sampai seratus tulah yang betul² in contact dengan aku.
Plus, bestfriends pun banyak kat sana. Hari² sembang kencang. Yeah, girls talk. Kalau korang baca tweet aku korang takkan faham. Aku dan kawan² je yang paham.
Siapa yang takde twitter takkan tau isu Apit jugak. Apit hotstuff. Ahaxxx. Stupid alien language that attracts thousands of followers. Gila hebat Apit.
Motif entry ni ape? Oh motifnya, nothing lasts forever. Kthanksbai
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Foundation wrap up.
Omengg, tak sampai seminggu lagi cuti akan berakhir. Sungguh, diri ini masih belum bersedia. Cheit, sampai bila pun kau tak bersedia Mai. T_T
InsyaAllah kalau takde aral melintang, this upcoming 4th Jan will be my first day as a degree student. Wahlah, dah setaun stengah berlalu. Hmm, time sure flies~
Korang tau, masa aku mula² daftar dulu(28 Jun 2010), aku tak sangka classmate aku akan terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum. Bukan setakat melayu, cina, india, tapi iban, bajau, dusun, murut dan ada beberapa lagi.
Serious, aku tak penah sangka akan dikelilingi oleh kaum etnik dari negeri Borneo ni.
Dalam kelas time pensyarah takde korang ber-camwore? Oh biasalah, tak matang.
Yang ni lagi best, posing. Yang baju hijau tu ibanese. And yes, she's prettay!
Antara benda yang best bila kita berbeza adalah kita dapat tau macam mana lifestyle kaum tu. Budaya, bahasa, makanan dan banyak lagi. Patotlah orang kata, sometimes it's good to have differences.
Ni masa sem 2. Kat Kampong Lonek buat kerja kursus.
Aku ingat dapat A la untuk subjek minor sem 2 ni. Tapi tak. :| Whyyy cik Rahim? Penat kot buat layang² bagai. Ok tipu, bukan aku buat.
Ni masa sem 1. Hebat klasmate aku menari! :D
Ya seperti biasa, dah nama pun gugurl. Pantang nampak kamera.
Yang pegang belon tu masa kat Port Dickson. Rekreasi PJ.
Semuanya dari Borneo.
Aku tak sangka kelas aku boleh kalah time boria ni. Takpe, kita juara di hati kita. Tudia ayat memujuk hati! :p
Oh yeah, dan ini gambar masa human graphic sempena Merdeka 2010. See, we do contribute our part to show our love towards Malaysia. Cheit, padahal kena paksa. T_T
Aku harap, persahabatan kita kekal sampai bila-bila. 5years and the half tu lama kot. Maybe akan ada orang yang kawen 1 kelas. Eh ehhh ehh. :p Oh tahniah buat Sis Cha yang baru bertunang. Yes, tunang dia satu kelas dengan dia. ;)
Tak impossible kalau Amon akan betul² wujud nanti. (budak kelas aku je paham ni)
Nak letak banyak lagi gambar sebenarnya. Tapi tulah, nanti panjang sangat plak. Baru foundation wrap up. Bukan degree. Hihihi.
Kepada Alence, Azie, Allan, Dauxy, Opie, Devaki, Kleynton, Alex, Ling, Lai, Joy, Nadia, Aizzaq, Stella, Richma, Ting, Vijaya, dan Zainur, jumpa 4hb nanti InsyaAllah(if God wills it)! (no offence, ikut list nama kot ni, takdenya pilih kasih)
Dan kepada Unni Anati, selamat belajar di tempat baru.
p/s: Hati² siapa yang naik belon nanti. Oh, belon di sini bermaksuk kapal terbang. Peace.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Dear my lovely hunny bunny reader(s), forgive this douche for being so wrong. Kalau you all baca entry ni, ada kesilapan sebenarnya.
Kesilapannya adalah saya cakap, kalau ada orang kata wajah you all photogenic, you all hodoh. Ya, kat sinilah kesilapannya.
Sebenarnya bukan macam tu. Sebenarnya, macam ni. You all yang dalam gambar tu, nampak lebih menarik daripada wajah you all yang sebenarnya.
Maksudnya, wajah yang sebenar tidaklah semenarik wajah di dalam gambar tu. Takde la sampai hodoh. Cuma kurang menarik je. Hikhik.
Tengok definition by Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary Third Edition, dia cakap.
"Photogenic is having a face that looks attractive in photographs" Perasan tak dia cakap looks attractive in photograph?
Looks attractive in photograph doesn't mean you're hodoh. It just means, you look attractive. Hihi.
This is from dictionary.com
Take a look at this situation. "A" nak komen gambar "B" kat facebook.
A:Hey, you look photogenic(look well in photograph) !
B:I look photogenic(look well in photograph)? Aww. How about in real life ? How do I look?
A:You know better. Kalau tak I akan straight je cakap, "you're pretty!" Tapi I tak cakap, sebab err, err. I guess, you get me aite?
So you all, kalau nak cakap orang tu cantik, cakap jelah straight, "Hey, you look stunning/pretty/charming/handsome/beautiful!" Don't bother to use the word photogenic.
Because for me, photogenic is not a word for compliment. Yet again, maksud dia bukan hodoh kay. Stay cute. *tetiba
p/s: Thanks Zaid. Kau pembaca prihatin. And thanks for the code too. It works! Ohyeah!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Kepada yang taktau. Yang dah tau duduk diam².
Korang tau tak apa maksud photogenic? Bcos I have a conversation where people seems don't grasp what photogenic is.
Saying "You're photogenic" to someone is another way to say that "You're actually ugly" to her/him.
Korang tau tak apa maksud photogenic? Bcos I have a conversation where people seems don't grasp what photogenic is.
Saying "You're photogenic" to someone is another way to say that "You're actually ugly" to her/him.
A subject (generally a person) is photogenic if appearing aesthetically, or physically attractive or appealing in a photograph. - Wikipedia.
Contoh orang yang tak photogenic adalah Bront Palare. Bagi aku, dia taklah comel mana. Tapi tuh bila aku tengok dalam gambar.
Pastuh ada satu hari tu, aku jumpa dia dalam LRT. Furhhh, hes sooooooo charming people. Jadi kat sini, kita boleh classify kan Bront Palare as not photogenic. Sebab dalam gambar tak gorgeous as in real life.
Aku rasa Josh ni dualgenic. Sebab dalam gambar pon comel, in real life(macam aku penah jumpa) pon comel. Ok merapu, mana ada perkataan dualgenic. -.-'
Jadi, bila ada orang cakap kat korang, "Eh you ni photogenic la". Please, it's not a compliment. It's just an alternative way to say "How could you look this pretty/handsome when in real life you look like a half-done-bridge? Cruel.
You shoul read this too.
You shoul read this too.
p/s: Korang jenis yang photogenic atau tidak? :p
Friday, December 23, 2011
Reminiscing 7 years back when I cried so hard that made tears accompany me every night. Waking up every morning with regret. Praying with tears streaming down the cheeks. (Serius tak khusyuk). Losing appetite, and the list goes on.
You ask me how much does it hurts? It's like you're enduring the pain of someone is trying to take out your liver. Yeah, that hurt. Hah? Kenapa liver? Dangg.
It's nothing on earth like putus cinta ke apa. It's actually when you're dissapointed with yourself. And of course, your parents too.
It's when I don't get 5A in UPSR. You know what, I'm sort of in the list of students-who-will-get-5A in my school. I am in the target list! So you know how does it feels like when you don't get 5A? No, you don't understand bcos you got 5A. And I didn't.
At that moment, I hate phone calls, text message and etc. Semua orang nak tanya dapat berapa and it was actually hurt tau dak?? I just felt like migrating to Mars and stay there for a few years and when things get better, I'll be back.
But then I realized, even if I cried that this earth will be flooded, nothings gonna change. NOTHING. ZILCH. So, I made up mind. I decided to have revenge! Yeah, REVENGE!
You ask me how much does it hurts? It's like you're enduring the pain of someone is trying to take out your liver. Yeah, that hurt. Hah? Kenapa liver? Dangg.
It's nothing on earth like putus cinta ke apa. It's actually when you're dissapointed with yourself. And of course, your parents too.
It's when I don't get 5A in UPSR. You know what, I'm sort of in the list of students-who-will-get-5A in my school. I am in the target list! So you know how does it feels like when you don't get 5A? No, you don't understand bcos you got 5A. And I didn't.
At that moment, I hate phone calls, text message and etc. Semua orang nak tanya dapat berapa and it was actually hurt tau dak?? I just felt like migrating to Mars and stay there for a few years and when things get better, I'll be back.
But then I realized, even if I cried that this earth will be flooded, nothings gonna change. NOTHING. ZILCH. So, I made up mind. I decided to have revenge! Yeah, REVENGE!
Fall 7 times. Get up 8.
So it was in 2007 when I finally objectify the revenge . It takes me 3 years to realisasikannya. Eventually, hard work has paid off. Not to forget to those prays of course. I got 8A in PMR. Man, I feel like floating in the air with a pair of wings!
At that time, I love phone calls, text messages and meeting saudara-mara. Hewhewhew. I got tremendous congratulations and of course money and gift too. My life is bliss.
Person who gave this has left me. Left for forever. May Allah bless you there. This is so meaningful. Related families and friend would grasp what I really mean and why does it has to be chicken. I did laughed when I got this. Allahuakbar, I miss you.
So the achievement was repeated again, in 2009. I got almost all A if Physics don't mess it. It's, 8A in SPM. Whatever it is, I am always grateful. Alhamdulillah. I did made the parents cry. That's what I want the most.
Bukan nak sangat hadiah, duit tu semua. Seriously. I want to make them cry bcos of meh. And I did it. *Eyebrows up and down.
So beautiful people, don't give up. Whatever it is, just don't give up. You'll never know what's life is offering you in front. :)
Remember, rainbow always come after rain. Just bear with the thunder. It's only temporary before you get to see the mesmerizing beautiful rainbow. Insya Allah.
Remember, rainbow always come after rain. Just bear with the thunder. It's only temporary before you get to see the mesmerizing beautiful rainbow. Insya Allah.
Oh, one more thing. You know what will be our greatest achievement? It's when we succeed in life and the hereafter. I crave for it!
p/s: Congratulations Hadi Alloha. 8A in PMR has leaded the mom burst into tears yesterday. Great job.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Golden oppurtunity.
Post ini telah diinspirasikan daripada fav blogger saya, Affan Ruslan.
Saya banyak baca post dinar dirham ni lepas baca entri dia. Dulu saya rasa saya muda dan malas nak ambik port sangat pasal ni. Tapi agaknya saya dah dewasa kerana apa yang dia cakap berjaya menarik perhatian saya.
Anda pernah dengar,
" Mata wang AS kini boleh dianggap sebagai tisu tandas kerana nilainya semakin menyusut dan tidak berharga berbanding emas yang diterima di semua negara dunia. " - Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, mantan perdana menteri.
Abu Bakr ibn Abi Maryam reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say: "A time is certainly coming over mankind in which there will be nothing [left] which will be of use save a dinar and a dirham." (The Musnad of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal)
Saje bagi hadis dalam English nak tengok orang yang kononnya moden berkata, tindakan Tok Guru Nik Abdul Aziz yang ingin menggunakan matawang dinar dan dirham adalah kolot dan kembali kepada zaman gelap (dark ages) paham ke tak.
Kalau tak paham boleh bukak kamus eh orang moden. No worries.
This is around RM200+ in 2001. But in year 2011, it's RM800+. Ommo! :O
Saya pasti, anda pun tau kenapa kita kena start simpan duit untuk beli emas dan perak. Sudah terang lagi bersuluh lah kerana, kedua-dua ini tidak susut nilainya. Tidak seperti wang kertas yang boleh dicetak.
Saya tak nak cakap panjang sebab dah ramai pun yang tulis pasal ni. Saya hanya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengingatkan kawan-kawan saya terutamanya, kalau ada duit, boleh lah start beli dinar dirham ni. ;)
p/s: I always want to buy my mom a gelang emas with my own design. I know I'm sweet :p InsyaAllah, one day.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Mengertilah anakku.
I know it's pretty absurd. What on earth with 'mengertilah anakku'?
I don't even have kid. Or worst, I don't even married. YET.
But I just think I started to understands, how does it feels like to be parents.
I have a sister named, Ina for short. I always lecture to her. Don't do this, don't do that. What do you think you're doing? That's wasting time and yada yada yada.
I know that these stuff might suffocate her. Well, who likes to be lecture. To be nagged. Who likes?
But only if she knows, I did all that for the sake of her own good. I don't want her to fail in education. I ask her to stop facebooking or maybe reduce the time she spends in front of the computer and yeah, go studyyyyy!
Ommo, please, mengertilah adikku.
Education is important nowadays. What would you do when you're suck at it? Do you think to be a doctor, engineer and etc requires you the ability to chat in facebook?
NO WAY! There's no such thing sis. Please, get back to reality. We should be awake in this competitive world.
Some might say, "Ala, tak semestinya tak berjaya dalam pelajaran bermakna tak berjaya."
Okay, true. But it doesn't mean you can abandoned your education. You should at least try your best first. And next, let Him determine it. Well at least we give our best ain't it?
Anyway, if you say so (read:Ala, tak semestinya tak berjaya dalam pelajaran akan gagal dalam hidup), why do you still study? Go sleep all day and just hope money will chase you then.
Huh, it's undeniably hard to actually tell the kids why they shouldn't do this, why they shouldn't do that. Only if they knew.
Son and daughter of mine, in case you guys are reading this one day, please understand your mom. Mommy just want the best for all of you. <3
p/s: It's never easy to built a family. Just make sure you're completely ready if you've decided to have one.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Masa aku balik kampung harituh, Ayah Su aku tanya.
"Penah tengok fattabiouni tak?"
"Hah? Tak. Cerita apa tu?" tanya aku.
Tanpa cakap cerita apa, dia bukak komputer tablet dia. Dah bukak, dia bukak youtube. Pastuh dia cakap.
"Tengok ni".
Pastuh aku pun tengok la. Dalam hati, aku cakap "Oh, best jugak."
"Fattabiouni ni ada kat tv Al-hijrah. Setiap kali lepas azan Asar ada la rancangan ni. Tak lama, kejap je. Bagus rancangan ni, dia bla bla bla." Terang Ayah Su lagi.
Pastuh bila dah balik rumah, aku tengok la rancangan tu. Serious, memang bagus rancangan ni. Kalau rumah korang takde tv Al-Hijrah, boleh tengok kat Youtube. Type je Fattabiouni Malaysia.
Segalanya di hujung jari. Nak dengan tak nak je.
Memandangkan aku ni seorang yang tinggi degree of curiosity nya, aku google lagi pasal ni. Rupa-rupanya, fattabiouni ni maksud dia, ikuti aku. Maksud aku tu merujuk kepada Nabi Muhammad.
Pastuh aku jumpa la page dekat facebook pasal ni. Aku pun like lah laju². Hihi
Objektif sebenar dia adalah untuk menghidupkan sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW yang sudah banyak ditinggalkan.
Aku cadangkan korang tengoklah jugak. Dan amalkan lah sekali. Sunnah nabi ni, simple je. Tapi pahalanya, Masya Allah.
Ni antara sunah yang simple yet sangat besar pahalanya. Doa lepas ambil wudhuk.
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ
p/s: Time aku ingat, aku ingat kan korang. Time aku lupa, ingatkan aku. <3
"Penah tengok fattabiouni tak?"
"Hah? Tak. Cerita apa tu?" tanya aku.
Tanpa cakap cerita apa, dia bukak komputer tablet dia. Dah bukak, dia bukak youtube. Pastuh dia cakap.
"Tengok ni".
Pastuh aku pun tengok la. Dalam hati, aku cakap "Oh, best jugak."
"Fattabiouni ni ada kat tv Al-hijrah. Setiap kali lepas azan Asar ada la rancangan ni. Tak lama, kejap je. Bagus rancangan ni, dia bla bla bla." Terang Ayah Su lagi.
Pastuh bila dah balik rumah, aku tengok la rancangan tu. Serious, memang bagus rancangan ni. Kalau rumah korang takde tv Al-Hijrah, boleh tengok kat Youtube. Type je Fattabiouni Malaysia.
Segalanya di hujung jari. Nak dengan tak nak je.
Memandangkan aku ni seorang yang tinggi degree of curiosity nya, aku google lagi pasal ni. Rupa-rupanya, fattabiouni ni maksud dia, ikuti aku. Maksud aku tu merujuk kepada Nabi Muhammad.
Pastuh aku jumpa la page dekat facebook pasal ni. Aku pun like lah laju². Hihi
Objektif sebenar dia adalah untuk menghidupkan sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW yang sudah banyak ditinggalkan.
Aku cadangkan korang tengoklah jugak. Dan amalkan lah sekali. Sunnah nabi ni, simple je. Tapi pahalanya, Masya Allah.
Ni antara sunah yang simple yet sangat besar pahalanya. Doa lepas ambil wudhuk.
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ
Maksud: Aku bersaksi tiada tuhan melainkan Allah Yang Maha Esa, tiada sekutu bagi-Nya. Dan aku bersaksi bahawa Nabi Muhammad itu hamba dan rasul-Nya.
Fadhilat: Akan dibuka 8 pintu syurga buatnya dan dia boleh memasuki mana² pintu syurga yang dia kehendaki." Riwayat Imam Muslim & Imam Ahmad ra.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Amazing kids.
A primary teacher asked her class the question, what is love? The following are some actual answers to the questions.
- "Love is when you're eating and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." - Chrissy, age 6.
- "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired" - Terri, age 4.
- "Love is when my mom makes coffee for my dad & she takes a sip before giving it to him to make sure the taste is OK." Dan, age 7.
- Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." Noelle, age 7.
- Love is a little old woman & a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." - Tommy, age 6.
- Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken." - Elaine, age 5.
Ignore the text. That's got nothing to do with this post. It's the love shape that I want.
Final one, my favourite.
- You really should't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." Jessica, age 8.
I got those from @IslamicThinking tweets. Subhanallah, they are so amazing. If I were to ask the same question, I wouldn't know what to answer.
Shame on me.
p/s: Like seriously, where are you? And most importantly, who are you? :)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I am growing.
You know what, one of the best thing about having a blog is to know that you're actually growing. Growing here is referring to the way you're thinking. You can easily know when you read your previous post.
I think I'm more mature. Yeah, comparing to before. Just look at my previous post. Childish much. *facepalm
I think I'm more mature. Yeah, comparing to before. Just look at my previous post. Childish much. *facepalm
Hop in baby!
Another best thing about having a blog is to have a reader. I mean readers. I just wanna stress one thing here. Listen.
I don't give a damn whether you click the follow button at the right top of this blog or not. Well, I go for quality instead of quantity.
I never expect I would have 360 followers till now. I don't blog to collect follower. Never. I just want reader(s).
Read from below to above. I think s/he is trying to say that my writing has improved. Aren't you? :pp (if u're reading this)
The best feeling in the world when people ask you about something you never told them. They know it through your blog. Mann, that feeling was awesome!
Oh, another best thing is when people say that you're their favorite blogger. OMGGGGGG!
I know I better stop.
That's all I guess. Till next post.
p/s: The first picture is for my Wordless Wednesday. Sorry that I still write something when it is a wordless day.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Wave of love.
Sebelum korang baca apa yang aku nak tulis, meh kita sama² cakap pergh perghh perghhhhh.
Epic gila tajuk post aku. Wave of love. Hahahahahaha.
Beberapa hari lepas, kawan aku call. Cakap punya cakap, dia pun tanya.
"Weh, ko dah tengok Ombak Rindu?"
"Blom. Best ke G(bukan nama sebenar)?"
"Sedih wehh."
"Habes ko nanges ah?" Aku tanya sambil giggle.
"Aii ko ni. Aii aii aii. Ingat aku jambu ke nak nanges²?"
"Hahahahahahhahaha. Mana nak tau kan."
"Ko ni start da. Takde la sampai nak nanges."
And the conversation goes on and on.
p/s: Aku yang bewarna biru.
Nampaknya dah ramai yang tengok Ombak Rindu ni. Aku sampai harini tak tengok lagi. Aku bercadang nak download je. Tak pun copy je dekat kawan. Mesti ada yang donlod nanti. Hehehe
Cakap pasal movie ni, mesti ada antara korang yang anti movie Melayu. Aku ada sorang classmate. Dia memang tak tengok cite Melayu. Dia kata kalau dia tengok pon mesti tak habes. Hmm.
Biasanya lelaki ah yang macam ni. Kenapa eh? Sebab jalan cerita yang cliche dan kita boleh baca pengahabisannya? Macam tu eh?
Aku pun sebenarnya tak click sangat ngan cite Melayu. Tapi depends jugak. Bukan semua macam tu oh. Ada je yang best.
Contohnya Nur Kasih The Movie. Ada ke antara korang yang tak tengok lagi? You better watch peeps. Banyak pengajaran wa cakap lu. Pebenda cakap wa lu macam ni Mai? zzz
Epic gila tajuk post aku. Wave of love. Hahahahahaha.
Beberapa hari lepas, kawan aku call. Cakap punya cakap, dia pun tanya.
"Weh, ko dah tengok Ombak Rindu?"
"Blom. Best ke G(bukan nama sebenar)?"
"Sedih wehh."
"Habes ko nanges ah?" Aku tanya sambil giggle.
"Aii ko ni. Aii aii aii. Ingat aku jambu ke nak nanges²?"
"Hahahahahahhahaha. Mana nak tau kan."
"Ko ni start da. Takde la sampai nak nanges."
And the conversation goes on and on.
p/s: Aku yang bewarna biru.
Gambar sekadar hiasan.
Nampaknya dah ramai yang tengok Ombak Rindu ni. Aku sampai harini tak tengok lagi. Aku bercadang nak download je. Tak pun copy je dekat kawan. Mesti ada yang donlod nanti. Hehehe
Cakap pasal movie ni, mesti ada antara korang yang anti movie Melayu. Aku ada sorang classmate. Dia memang tak tengok cite Melayu. Dia kata kalau dia tengok pon mesti tak habes. Hmm.
Biasanya lelaki ah yang macam ni. Kenapa eh? Sebab jalan cerita yang cliche dan kita boleh baca pengahabisannya? Macam tu eh?
Aku pun sebenarnya tak click sangat ngan cite Melayu. Tapi depends jugak. Bukan semua macam tu oh. Ada je yang best.
Contohnya Nur Kasih The Movie. Ada ke antara korang yang tak tengok lagi? You better watch peeps. Banyak pengajaran wa cakap lu. Pebenda cakap wa lu macam ni Mai? zzz
Ini juga sekadar hiasan.
Sebenarnya kan, aku layan je semua genre movie. Aku on je. As long as cite tu beneficial. Means aku dapat values after tengok cite tuh. Takde la lepas tengok tak rasa effect apa².
Antara contoh movie yang mana bagi aku korang patot tengok adalah:
- 3 idiots
- Taare Zameen Par
- My Dog Skip
- I Not Stupid
- Karak
Bagi aku kan, movie yang baik adalah movie yang dapat bagi value yang baik kepada penonton. Semua cerita yang aku list kat atas tuh bagi aku semua ada value. I mean values.
Fine la, mungkin yang dah tengok Karak akan cakap, "WTH, tak best langsong Karak. Macam bodoh je hantu. Tak takut langsung. Ewww."
Okay memang la, tak takut pun cite tu. Tapi korang tengok main message dia. Korang tak rasa bermakna ke? Yang kita bukan saje kene hafal ayat Quran tapi kita jugak mesti tau makna. Supaya kita tau apa yang kita baca.
Yang lain-lain pon macam tu jugak. Nak tau tengok la sendiri.
Oh ni antara movie yang aku recommend jangan tengok. Tak berbaloi.
- Sekali lagi.
- 321 Cinta.
- Bini-biniku Gangster
Serios mengarot. Takde value. Ke aku yang tak prasan?
p/s: Boleh suggest kat aku movie apa yang korang rasa aku patot tengok? Thanks.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
RM1,000,000 money drop.
Assalamualaikum abang kacak kakak comel.
Tadi aku tengok satu rancangan realiti televisyen. Nama rancangan tu RM 1,000,000 money drop.
Daripada rancangan tu, aku baru tau yang Robert Kuok adalah orang yang paling kaya kat Malaysia. Aku ingat Ananda Krishnan. Oh, kalau aku masuk tadi mesti banyak duit aku dah drop. Dangg!
Bagus rancangan ni. Banyak menguji pengetahuan am kita. Aku rasa nak masuk ah. Tapi camane nak masuk eh? Kalau main online tak dapat sejuta. Dapat iPod jeww. Gahhh
Game tu lebih kurang macam Who Wants To Be A Millionaire la. Cuma ada la beza sket. Oh, btw, aku baru je menang main game ni. Padahal daripada kecik main. Ni antara game yang penah aku main other than SkiFree. Hikhiks.
Ni aku nak bagi tips kalau ada antara korang yang nak masuk.
Tadi aku tengok satu rancangan realiti televisyen. Nama rancangan tu RM 1,000,000 money drop.
Daripada rancangan tu, aku baru tau yang Robert Kuok adalah orang yang paling kaya kat Malaysia. Aku ingat Ananda Krishnan. Oh, kalau aku masuk tadi mesti banyak duit aku dah drop. Dangg!
Bagus rancangan ni. Banyak menguji pengetahuan am kita. Aku rasa nak masuk ah. Tapi camane nak masuk eh? Kalau main online tak dapat sejuta. Dapat iPod jeww. Gahhh
Game tu lebih kurang macam Who Wants To Be A Millionaire la. Cuma ada la beza sket. Oh, btw, aku baru je menang main game ni. Padahal daripada kecik main. Ni antara game yang penah aku main other than SkiFree. Hikhiks.
Ni aku nak bagi tips kalau ada antara korang yang nak masuk.
- Relaks
Sebenarnya kan, apa² pun yang kita nak buat, kita kena relaks. Relaks bukan
bermaksud tak buat apa². Relaks di sini bermaksud bertenang. Jangan gelabah.
- Jangan tamak.
Walaupun kita yakin gila tentang jawapan yang kita pilih, jangan tamak. Jangan
jadi macam peserta India tadi. Kan dah teros drop sejuta tu. Cuba kalau dia divide duit tu. Takde la hilang semua sekali gus. Anyonoyo.
jadi macam peserta India tadi. Kan dah teros drop sejuta tu. Cuba kalau dia divide duit tu. Takde la hilang semua sekali gus. Anyonoyo.
Bagi tips segala macam lah aku penah masuk. Fine la. Ni just pendapat aku kot. Hangpa jangan dok buat terok kat aku. -.-'
Oh tak lupa juga, tahniah kat peserta yang menang RM100,000 tadi. Cayyalah. Korang memang banyak pengetahuan. Daebak!
Lelaki yang tenang memang disukai. Eh tak maksud aku lelaki yang tenang akan dapat membuat keputusan yang bijak. Lantas dapat memberi jawapan yang betul. Yeah. Tu maksud aku sebenarnya.
p/s: I want to beat Robert Kuok. Pray for me.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Memories are unique.
I'm thinking of having my own handycam.
No, I'm not going to be a youtuber or anything. I just want to preserve any wonderful moments that happens in my life.
Because you know, memories are unique. That's why capturing them is so important. At least for me.
No, I'm not going to be a youtuber or anything. I just want to preserve any wonderful moments that happens in my life.
Because you know, memories are unique. That's why capturing them is so important. At least for me.
I can't stand looking at the picture above. It is mouth watering.
Sometimes my conscience told me.
"Buat apa nak beli handycam? Kan dah ada camera?"
Tapi camera kualiti dia tak bagus. I mean not as good as handycam.
"Tak bagus Mai cakap? Camera tu HD kan?"
Memang la. Tapi lain.
But I think it's not relevant if I'm about to buy it. It's quite expensive by the way. I can't get it by just spending 2-3 buck aite?
Plus, I already have HD Sony camera. It's enough for now I guess. FOR NOW.
InsyaAllah I'll get myself one, once I get my salary 4 years in time.
4 years? Hmm, yawnnn.
p/s: Gila laju pageviews video sembang rakyat tu gerak. Last time aku tengok baru 302 views. Pastuh second time dah 10, 132. What an acievement. Haha.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Just so you know, I'm not into politics. I never post something that ever touch about politics issues or etc before this.
Let's do it in a clean way.
But, this video has gone overboard. It's about religion. It's about Islam.
Please, what are these monkeys people trying to say?
If we don't know about something, don't we ever bother to talk about it. Or we'll end up look stupid. Believe me.
" Kalau guna hukum hudud pun, tak jadi apanya."
"Lagi terok jadinya."
Dear makcik and pakcik, you better learn about hudud after this. Hudud is not created by human being. It's hukum Allah.
Err, do you even know about this? I'm in doubt.
Because if you know, you wouldn't have the gut to speak the way you speak in the video.
It's okay old folks, you still have time to learn.
Oh one more thing, where do you get the fact that Kelantan has the highest number in AIDS cases, single parent problems, woman works at illegal places and etc ?
Kalau tak betul dah kira fitnah kan? Sigh.
Oh one more thing, where do you get the fact that Kelantan has the highest number in AIDS cases, single parent problems, woman works at illegal places and etc ?
Kalau tak betul dah kira fitnah kan? Sigh.
p/s: People say politic is a load crap. I choose to agree. This vid is a prove. This is all for the sake of politic. Ain't it?
Pathetic bunch of people.
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