Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Kellie's Castle.

3 days before 2014.

What a beautiful place with a majestic view. It is in Perak, Malaysia.



Friday, December 20, 2013

Bunga Telur and Bally Shoes.

"Successful marriage requires you to fall in love many times, with the same person."

I couldn't recall where I got that quote but it seems very true. Marriage isn't an easy thing. At least for me lah. Unless, you've well prepared. Then yes, wajib kahwin!! Sunnah kot. Hehe

Speaking of marriage. Hm. Few weeks back, my aunt (my dad's youngest sister) got married. Alhamdulillah everything went well. I have nothing much to say so let these pictures speak on behalf of me jelah eh. Thee hee

Reception at Kota Bharu, Kelantan; December 7th 2013.

I hardly like pelamin. I mean susah nak jumpa yang cantik to my eyes. But this one, I just can't took my eyes from it. Congrats to the wedding planner or anyone yang involved. :D

Hey there, Pakcu. Looking good. Haha


Baby brother.

Oldest brother.

Cousins and aunts and beautiful flowers. 

So, which one? :P

Reception at Subang, Selangor; December 14th 2013.

Sister and a fresh flower.

Mamito and papita merenjis.

Aku tak merenjis pon. Pinjam yang ibu je sebab bunga telur dia cantek angat so wajib bergambar! :D

Andddd what I like most about this whole ceremony was, I got a box of Fererro Roche. Dia letak dalam goodies bag . Selain this box ada cookies box (which surprisingly the taste sama level dengan Famous Amos) and satu lagi box ada telur. Normally pegi kenduri dapat choclairs je paling urban pon but this time, Ferrero Roche. Uh swag sangat :B

Actually ada 3 all of them. But I already ate one. :P 

All in all, I wish you Suja and Pakcu,Barakallahu lakuma, wa baraka ‘alaikuma, wa jama’a bainakuma fi khair” which technically means, Semoga Allah memberkati kalian berdua dan memberkati atas kalian berdua, dan menghimpunkan kalian berdua dalam kebaikan.

Bermakna sungguh ucapan camni kan? So instead of wishing Happy Wedding Day or Selamat pengatin baru yang sungguh cliche dan telah ditelan zaman malah tak begitu bermakna (eh?), jom wish style Nabi Muhammad plak. Hehe.  

Thanks Maher Zain for this song. Click here for the song (or actually a prayer).


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Common Mistakes

" It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err." - Mahatma Ghandi

Making mistake is inevitable. Dalam hidup ni kita takkan lari dari buat salah. Oh cliche. Dan orang yang bijak bestari fantastic fabulous, will learn something from it.

One of the most common mistake that I'll do everyday is, grammatical error.

Silap sendiri jugak. Dulu masa kelas English tak penah nak pay full attention masa Sir ajar. Now ended up taktau beza pon Past Perfect Tense, Past Future Tense yadayada geez I hate those. :3

Tapitakpaa. Selagi hayat dikandung badan, kita masih boleh belajar. Most common mistakes that I notice that I rasa I should correct them, are these:-

1. Imma.
Ramai aku tengok salah guna word ni. Imma is not I am a. Imma is I am going to.

2. Your and you're.
Your is to show that something is belongs to you. And you're is a short form of you are. So saying things like; He likes to sleep next to you when your reading the newspaper. is very WRONG.

3. Breath/breathe.
Breath is nafas. Breathe is bernafas. So kalau nak cakap saya sukar nak berbafas, camni. I can hardly breathe. Bukan I can hardly breath. Okay?

Setakat ni tu jela mistakes yang paling common aku tengok ramai orang buat silap. Tapitakpaa. Standard la buat silap. Sebab taktau kan before ni.

Benda yang aku nampak salah, aku bagitau. Benda yang korang nampak aku buat salah, korang la tegur aku. Aku sangat open. And aku lagi suka orang tegur. At least aku tau kat mana salah aku. And that way I can improve myself. Takkanla selamanya nak hidup dalam kejahilan kan :P. Hahahahaha

Kk buibui!

Camna la nak buat texture kek Red Velvet aku jadi camni. Dah dua kali aku buat. Dua dua tak jadik. Kat mana salah aku?! *persoalan yang sering berlagar dalam kotak pemikiran*

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head.

These few days bahagian timur Malaysia atau lebih spesifiknya di kawasan tempat tinggal saya, Kuala Lipis, Pahang sering dibasahi hujan. Ekoran daripada perkara ini, saya ingin menggunakan ruang (blog saya ini) dan peluang (selagi hayat dikandung badan) untuk berkongsi dengan tuan-tuan dan puan-puan doa apabila hujan turun.

Ini doa yang dibaca nabi tuan-tuan. Saya suka doa ni dek kerana ia pendek dan bemakna.

Take 5mins of your life time to memorize it. Then setiap kali hujan baca la neh. Moga dirimu dirahmati Allah selalu. ^____^


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Deodorant VS Antiperspirant

Few weeks back, Ron (my sister in case if you're a new reader of this blog) sent me long text on Whatsapp. And I feel so responsible to share it with you guys.

Memula pelik gak. The screen shot above says, guna deodorant bukan perspirant. I was like, err what's the different? Is there a difference? I'm an antiperspirant user. Is the product I've been applying everyday is putting my health at risk? Seriously? *drama mode*

I don't know who to ask so I just Google-d.

Based on the reading I've been doing, this is what I can conclude.

Antiperspirant- It prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body to eliminate toxins through armpits. (makna katanya anda jadik tak berpeluh)

Deodorant- Deodorant works by neutralizing the smell of the sweat and by antispetic action against bacteria.

So aku rasa deodorants are preferable because it don't interfere with sweating, a natural cooling process. Dia berfungsi dengan hanya meneutralkan bau peluh tu. Antiperspirant on the other hand is not preferable sebab dia halang proses perpeluhan. Menghalang proses perpeluhan bermakna menghalang toxin keluar dari badan. Antara kandungan dalam antiperspirant adalah aluminium. This aluminium blocks the sweat ducts and hence, ketiak tak berpeluh.

Pastuh apa kaitan ketiak tak berpeluh dengan breast cancer?
Banyak kajian yang telah dijalankan mengatakan yang breast cancer ni develop in the upper outer part of the breast -- the area close to armpits where antiperspirant are applied.

Kajian-kajian ni mengatakan bahan kimia dalam dalam antiperspirant iaitu aluminium are absorbed into the skin. Terutamanya after shaving. Bahan kimia ni akan react dengan DNA and lead to cancerous changes in cells atau boleh juga mengganggu hormon estrogen yang diketahui boleh mempengaruhi pertumbuhan sel kanser payudara.

Sumber kat sini. 

Tapi semua ni dibidas oleh Ted S. Gansler, MD, MBA; pengarah medical content America Cancer Society. Katanya, "there is no convincing evidence that antiperspirant use increase cancer risk." And he added, "the studies that have been conducted were flawed."

Plus yang aku baca kat sini, katanya antiperspirant ni takla menghalang sweating process 100%. Dalam 20% camtu je and even by the best ones reduce sweating by less than half. Hmmm.

Konklusinya, antiperspirant tak menyebabkan breats cancer. Tapi if you prefer to go natural, bleh je guna lemons as deodorant hehe. Guna apa-apa pon takpa. As long as you tak bau busuk. Eh

Kalau nak pemahaman yang lebih mantop lagi, bleh search kat Google, Bing mahupun Yahoo. Kalau ada fakta aku yang salah, tolong tegur. I bakal cikgu uols. Takde berkenaan ngan science langsung. Takut ada fakta salah kenzzz.

K tu je perkongsian untuk harini. Till then!


p/s: I love the internet. Nak tau semua benda type je on the taskbar and bam! Hundred result keluar uols. Tapi kalau ada kemusykilan bab agama, kena tanya ustard eh. Jangan main Google je. Hehe

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You got a dream, you gotta protect it!

It aint about how hard you hit
It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

"Most of us said that we want to be successful, but we don't want it bad. We just kinda want it."

Ouch. Just, ouch.

p/s: The last time I attend a motivational camp or whatever people call it, was in 2009. How I miss this. 


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Buku merah jangan lupa bawa~

My fingers are itching to write but theres nothing big going on at the moment and I don't want to bore you with me ranting on how uninteresting my life is. So I thought I'll just share my first experience on donating blood last few months. (This is so yestermonths, it's on 12 March to be exact :P )

This is not really a comprehensive information or guide or whatsoever. I'm just typing this out of boredom. (Boredom whaaat? Finals are just around the corner.) Ngaaaak

There are few conditions before you can donate your blood. These are the terms that I can recall :
  • Generally you're in good health.
  • Your weight is 45kg and above.
  • You're not period. (for girls)
  • You're not pregnant.
  • You're not taking any medicine at least 7 days before hari kejadian nak menderma.

As a first timer, I'm quite nervous. I heard before that ada orang pengsan uols sebab derma darah ni. Ohemgee tragis sangat. I nak buat amal ni tapi kalau sampai membahayakan diri I? Oh noo. 

Crap. Actually those yang pengsan tu sebab dia tak breakfast dulu. Durhh memang lewww.

Actually guys, donating blood is not like what you've heard.

The process is very simple. First, you gotta undergo the timbang berat, measure magnesium level in blood, check blood type and yadayada. Then, once doctor dah check you up and you're proven to be in a good state of health, you'll be asked to lay on the chair provided. Then the nurse will comfort you with this kind of phrase "First time ye? Tak sakit pun, takde apa lah. Watlekwatcool je." Nurses nowadays are not like before dah uols. Semua cantik, baik lagi bermuka manis aumm. 

Then once dah settle semua tu, you'll be given this pocket-fit red book. Buku ni untuk catat tarikh kita derma darah. Because you know? We'll get special treatment when we go to the hospital depends on how frequent we donate blood. More reasons to donate blood, no? 

 That was me. I dapat nurse laki uols. At first rasa macam adoy asal plak lelaki ni, aurah tak terjaga ah ceni (sebab darah tu diambil kat lengan so kena sinsing lengan ah skit).

 There, there. I smile uols. Gembira + teruja kerana akhirnya dapat juga menyumbang jasa kepada rakyat Malaysia yang memerlukan darah. :')

I am an A type. Dah takyah nak classified kan orang ikut blood type.

Selepas dicucuk jarum di urat vena oleh misi yang mahir lagi berwibawa, it took around 10-15 minutes for the blood to fill the bloodbag yang 350ml punya. But it depends jugak. If your blood pekat, lambat la sket proses tu berlangsung. Talking about experience, eceh :P

So guys, siapa yang memenuhi syarat dan berpeluang untuk derma darah, silalah berbuat demikian. Tolonglah jangan bagi absurd excuse like "I takut jarum" and whatnot. Fight that kind of feeling. Trust me TAK SAKIT LANGSUNG. You have my guarantee. I berani terjun pokok taugeh kalau I salah. 

Donate blood and save lives. :')

p/s: This is a confession. Actually berat I 43kg. I golongan underweight. But since this blood donation event was held in my campus and my friends were the one yang conduct, so yeah. 2 kilos doesn't really matter. I want to experience this. But don't do this seriously. Jangan bahayakan diri. I am the only exception XP


Eh awak yang baca ni, I need your doa. My finals are in 4 days! Thanks ly! ;)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I kenkrai liddis. :'(

Copied my Facebook friend status because it made my heart bleed...

Kita bising minyak naik bukan kerana kita benci Malaysia. 

Kita bising minyak naik bukan kerana kita tak mampu bayar.

Kita bising sebab janji tak serupa bikin.
Kita bising sebab kesiankan rakyat marhaen.
Memang kita berduit.
Memang kita berharta.

jauh di pelusuk sana,
ada yang menghitung syiling.

Ada yang bekerja teruk terkontang kanting.
Mereka tak ada slip gaji.
Jauh sekali socso mahupun kwsp.Kerjanya keluar pagi balik dinihari.

Dan kalian pula berbicara indah persis pujangga metropolis?
Hanya 20 sen?
Itu pun nak bising?
Kerja lah lebih kuat lagi?
Beribadatlah lebih lagi?
Untuk dimurahkan rezeki?

Sembang kalian sembang mereka yang berharta.
Sembang kalian sembang orang yang penuh wibawa.

Sedangkan ada mereka yang facebook pun tiada.
Motor buruk hanya tunggu masa.

Kerja lebih kuat dari si sarjana muda.

Kerja lebih ikhlas dari si phd mahupun master.

Hanya untuk mulut mereka sekeluarga.

Mereka tak berharta.
Salah mereka kerana tidak berusaha di zaman muda.

Tapi adakah kita berilmu untuk menjadi penindas mereka?

Kalau itu sistem kehidupan.
Aku rela jadi bodoh dari kalian.Kerana aku taknak hilang perikemanusiaan.

Teringat bapak cakap, "Kita takkan pernah faham situasi seseorang itu sehingga kita sendiri yang lalui perkara tu."

Ada mata, tengok. Ada telinga, dengar. Ada otak, lu pikir la sendiri.

Assalamualaikum. Bui-bui

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Time is money. So don't waste my money. :P

I'm pretty sure most of you mesti ada kawan kat abroad. Kalau tak kawan, sedara mara, tak pun boyfriend ke, girlfriend ke *cough*. Kalau tak banyak, at least sorang mesti ada. Kan?

And most common question yang kita selalu tanya depa bila chat (usually) mesti adalah, kat sana pukul berapa eh sekarang? Ohokhokhok.

Agaknya dorang rasa annoyed tak eh. Sebab I'm pretty sure kita bukan the only one yang tanya soalan camtuh. Kawan lain pon mesti ada tanya soalan sama. 

Tahukah anda, kita boleh google sebenarnya untuk tau waktu-waktu kat dunia ni. All it takes is just a click away.

So pasni takyah dah tanya dorang. It's just a Google's away. Hahaha :P

Easy peasy.

Step 1: Pegi Google/ Bing/ Yahoo or anything that floats your boat.
Step 2: Type what time is it in *insert the place*
Step 3: A box will come out to show you the time. 

Besides, jom standardized kan jam kita. Takdelah kita lambat pegi kelas/meeting/dating(zz) dah pasni. Perli rapat dan kencang untuk diri sendiri dan yang baca ni :P


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Raya, Rabbit dan Playboy.

Tajuk perbahasan kita pada pagi yang cerah dan ceria pada hari ini Yang Berhormat, adalah Raya, Rabbit dan Playboy.

Tahukah Yang Berhormat semua, apakah kaitan kesemua subjek yang telah dinyatakan? Akan saya kupas isu ini Yang Berhormat!

Yang Berhormat,

Zzzzzzzzz stop with that nonsense. Yang Berhormat hazabedah apebenda tolong guna bahasa biasa. Hm, k.

Dah lama nak share cerita ni. Tapi rasa macam tak appropriate plak sebab haritu bulan puasa. Korang tahu tak kenapa brand Palyboy tu dia punya logo tu gambar Rabbit?

The famous Playboy.

Lecturer Yours truly cakap, Rabbit jantan ni rakus. Kalau letak sekor Rabbit jantan dengan sekor Rabbit betina dalam satu reban, bleh mati Rabbit betina tu.

Sebab nafsu seks Rabbit jantan ni tinggi. It can have sex up to banyak Rabbit betina in a day. Provided that Rabbit is in a good mood and health. Hebat tak hebat? 

All this while I always look at Rabbit with a ohmy-you're-so-cute-lil-ball-of-fur-creature feeling. But I don't think I could have the same feeling ever again after ni dah lepas tau pasal natural character dia. Scary uols. I know I bukan Rabbit pon nak takut lelebih but, yeah.

 Jadi nampak tak kolerasi Rabbit dengan Playboy? Kalau tak dapat pick up, err there must be something wrong over the rainbow with you, mate.

Gambar raya lah satu.

Pastu apa kaitannya dengan Raya? Okay Raya is associated with good foods. Mouth-watering dishes namely nasi dagang, satay, roti jala, nasi lemak, nasi minyak. Then kalau confectioneries plak moist chocolate cakes, molten chocs cake, trifle, crunchy biskut raya, red velvet cake, crepe,  okay enough. There are a lot, but that are only few examples that had came to my mind at this very moment I am typing this post.

Jadi, dengan makanan banyak yang lazat dan enak terbentang luas depan mata, dengan boleh eat freely plus cam nak qada sebab puasa sebulan before ni lulz, mula lew rasa nak makan semua benda. That was what most of us did. Nafsu makan yang tak terbendung. Then end up having cherry berry. Nice :P

Jadi pengajaran dia, fight the nafs. Don't let nafs take control of our body. Kita kan tuan. Kita yang kena kawal semua benda. I am saying this more to myself, actually. 

Oh, pengajaran yang untuk Rabbit tu, kalau nak bela, jangan letak sekor Rabbit jantan ngan sekor Rabbit betina dalam satu reban. Tapi letak Rabbit betina bebanyak takpe, Rabbit jantan sekor je. Bukan apa, takut umur Rabbit betina uols tak panjang nanti.

Wah rasa informatif plak post kali ni. Ahakshaks. 

Ok, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin to all of you that happened to read this.

p/s: Jom puasa 6!


Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Maafkanlah, bila hati, tak sempurna mencintaiMu.
Dalam dadaku, harap hanya diriMu yang bertakhta.

Salam fasa ketiga, fasa terhindar dari api neraka, 10 hari  terakhir Ramadan. Allah... :(

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I am not well..

Selamat berpuasa. Jaga diri. By jaga diri, I really mean it. Jangan biar akhlak yang buruk menjadi pemusnah ibadah kita.

p/s: Currently undergoing a heart treatment. Pray for me. I want to feel 101% joyful in doing ibadah too.

May peace be upon ya. :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ibrah from Pitch Perfect.

Quoted from Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is so true.

Okay. We'll get to that later. *tarik nafas*.


Korang dah tengok movie Pitch Perfect? Style aku (ceh style konon), bila tengok movie/series, aku akan ambik ibrah (iktibar) from it.

In a scale of 1 to 10, I give 6 for Pitch Perfect. Tak menarik sangat storyline dia. Yang menarik just masa dia buat acapella tu je. So uh-mah-zing (amazing in case you guys don't understand gibberish). Aku rasa macam wow power nya you alls! Buat music guna mulut ja? Gyueuhfkshfkheramazingggg!

Tapi tu bukanlah ibrah yang aku nak cerita kat sini. Apa yang aku rasa bila habis tengok cerita ni, aku tertarik ngan kata-kata bapak Becca.

Bapak dia kata, masa kat alam pengajian tingggi/universiti nilah nak timba pengalaman, make friends, join kelab itu dan ini.

Looking back at my life, zzz boring gila life aku. Pegi kelas, makan, tido dan online di social media ja lol. Takda apa yang menarik. So aku rasa nak join something. Nak venture out into anything. Tapi taktau nak join apa. Dalam minda macam nak join debate, takpon theater *cough*.

But, Allah knows best.

Hari ni, aku dikejutkan dengan satu berita. Aku diberi mandat untuk jadik Setiusaha Persatuan Guru Pelatih Islam (PGPI) untuk sesi 2013/2014. Say whottttt????

I feel inferior you know. First, it's the club. Persatuan Guru Pelatih Islam kot. Tengok la orang dalam tu macam mana. Aku ni macam mana. 

Most of orang dalam tu background family dorang jenis pious. Aku plak biasa-biasa ja. Rasa inferior tu tebal sangat setebal jerebu kat Seremban dua hari yang lepas sobs.

Second, Setiausaha kot. Means aku dalam MT (Majlis Tertinggi). Besar tanggungjawab tu non oi~~~

Tapitakpaaaa. Apa-apa pon kena cool.

Setiap apa yang jadik tu mesti ada hikmahnya. Mungkin Allah nak aku blend in dengan circle yang baik. So that benda-benda baik tu akan berjangkit kat aku gak. Aku ni nakal/childish sangat tak terbendung. Tengok previous post la. Post meme Damon Salvatore. Adoyai Mai~~ T___T

Yaii berbalik kepada kuotasi dia atas, with great power comes great responsibility. Semoga aku dapat jalankan amanah dengan baik. Nanti kat akhirat Allah tanya ni. Wallahualam.


Saturday, June 22, 2013



p/s: Memulakan post pertama untuk sem baru dengan post sebegini. Apa komen anda? Ahaks.  :P

Thursday, June 6, 2013


A couple hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success.

"never leave that till tomorrow" he said, "what you can do today".

Hes the man that discover electricity.

You'd think more of us would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off. But if I had to guess, I'd say it has a lot to do with fear- fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection.

Sometimes the fear are just of making a decision.. because, what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo?

Whatever it is we're afraid of, one thing holds true- if by the time the pain of not doing a thing gets worse than the fear of doing it, it can feel like we're carrying around a giant tumor.

The early bird, catches the worm. He who hesitate, will lost.

We can't pretend we haven't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard about our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day.

Still, sometimes....

We have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons.

We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore, until we finally understand for ourselves for what Benjamin Franklin meant....

....that knowing is better that wondering, that waking is better than sleeping and that even the biggest failure, even the worst most intractable mistake, beats the hell of never trying.

GAS1E6 gosh, I'm so into surgeon.


Friday, May 31, 2013

D i f f i c u l i t y.

"When we face difficulties, have in heart that my Lord is with me and He will help me to go through this. 

When you know firmly that Allah will never leave you, He will make the way out for you. 

When you let go for the sake of Allah, Allah will give it back to you. With something better. That's a promise."

By Yasmin Mogahed, Reclaim Your Heart.

I want a copy of my own. Shouldn't be cheapskate for a great book like this.


p/s: "When you let go for the sake of Allah, Allah will give it back to you. With something better. That's a promise." Have faith. *self pats on the back*

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It affects you?

I asked again. How does this affect you, trainee teachers? Your answer would define you. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

This post is supposed to be published on April 4.


Semester 3 has ended well. Now, yours trully is already at home, laid back, doing nothing. Eh

So ada la masa nak cerita apa yang jadik on 4th April back then. The day that yours trully turned 21.


Kudos to my classmates. They planned it well.

815am.115pm, 4 April 2013.
Pada kebiasaannya, kalau ada sesiapa yang birthday dia haritu, weols (the whole classmates) akan greet her dengan birthday wishes. But not on my birthday, they did nothing. Deep in my heart, I kind of grateful. As I don't really like the idea of people singing 'happy birthday to you' and you're standing there, blurred and confused on what facial expression would be nice to make. Hurrr. So, I don't mind they didn't sing. Really.

230pm-430pm, 4 April 2013.
At the end of Anatomy lecture, they finally did that 'happy birthday to you' to me. I feel so embarrassed. Lecture kot. Combine dengan kelas lain kot. Mesti la malu kot. Agagagagaga

Rasa nak masuk semak!

So I thought that was it. Takdak apa dah la kot. Since it's during the assignment week. Two final assignments kena hantar the next day. So I understand. Being us, selalu buat kerja last minute. So takdak la nak celebrate padia sangat.

But I was wrong.

900pm-1100pm, 4 April 2013.
Later that night, I had a group discussion with my groupmate at the library. And here's the climax of the story. My best friend, Fatin dengan membawa cake, together with my classmates behind her, loudly singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU.

And my groupmate ni pon sama join depa nyanyi nyanyi.

Geez again. Kat library (luar library) kot. Ada banyak orang dok buat discussion sama. Kami dok buat macam kampus itu makayah kami yang punya. Hohoho. Dahla bising. They then siram yours trully with water sumore. Memang terbaik. Then after dah basah lencun tu, potong cake plak. Blueberry cheesecake if I'm not mistaken. Pastuh being the matured us, main plak dengan cream cake tu. Memang matang abadi sangat.

So, everything was so well planned. Yours trully ni tak expect depa nak hold any party ka apa sebab esok tu kena hantar assignments. Note the 's'. So thankyou, terharu yours trully ni. Ada gak rupanya insan yang sayang kat yours trully ni. Ekekeke

Dah habes semua, weols pon balik. Nasib baik gak benda yang di discuss tu dah siap. Pandai depa timing before serbu. So dengan baju yang basah tu pun yours trully balik la. Mesti leww nak balik cepat, malu macam orang balik swimming dah. Padahal pegi library.


Belom habis lagi. Dah sampai bilik, bukak ja pintu, I saw flours filled up the floor of my room. Oh mannnn. Apa sweet sangat semorang ni. They put "Happy Birthday Mai :) ). Lepas tu atas katil ada hadiah lagi. Okay *nanges* My partner(as most of the time kalau buat assignment partner yours trully ni dengan dia), Nadia, we shared the same room key. So they invaded my room when I was gone to Bais. Hyeah, fantastic baybeh nya korangg!

I don't know what have I done that Allah sent me these people. Petang tu my parents from KL datang hantaq tiramisu. Then malam tu my classmates did all this. I shouldnt ask anything else. My life is bliss. I love you all to the moon and back.

And I'll still love you to the moon and back even if you did none of all these things. Because our fleeting moment together, and the 'I'll always be there when you need me' are more than all this.

Sadly, theres no pic. Kleynton had already recorded everything. Too bad they are all gone because of some technical problem. Aish.


Yours trully at the age of 21. May her ended up being a good person.

p/s: This life is indeed, full of unexpected event.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A heart to fix.

It's that moment again. I'm slumped.

Meanwhile, I leave you with this beautiful zikr, while I'm busy fixing my heart.

"Those who believe, and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest".

[Ar-Ra'd: 28]

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sleepless night. #GE13

Quoted from Tuan Guru Haji Hadi, "Kalau kita kalah, kita kena bertenang itu tanda orang beriman yang redha dengan segala ketentuan. Memang ada perjuangan kalah ada menang. Jika berlaku penipuan ingatlah kita ada akhirat sebagai medan kebenaran. Jangan lupa ada kerajaan yang lebih berkuasa yakni kerajaan Allah SWT. Kita tidak kalah, cuma belum menang." 

I woke up this morning receiving unpleasant news. Hati mana tak sedih. Setelah solat hajat serta doa yang telah dipanjatkan, apa yang dihajatkan tidak diperolehi.

Allah.. Allah...

Sesungguhnya, saya, anda dan masyarakat semua tak tau perkara yang sebenar berlaku. Peti undi hilang, blackout, recount and poof, menang. Husnuzzon Mai. *pats on the back*.

Kena yakin ada hikmah di sebalik ketentuan ni. Kalau betul berlakunya ketidaktelusan pada PRU13 ini, maka celakalah orang yang mengkhianati amanah itu.

Damaikan hatimu dengan mengingati Allah. 

Kadangkala kita nak rama-rama,
Allah bagi ulat bulu satu,
Allah bagi kita terima,
Mungkin nak suruh faham sesuatu.

Eh takdelah. Mana ada black out. Korang jangan percaya sangat dengan internet ni.

p/s: Ada yang melihat di atas sana. Jaga setiap tutur kata dan perbuatan kita. Ingatan untuk diri ini yang sering lupa. 

Hasbunallahu wani mal wakil. :'(

There is not a single word in the whole world,
That could describe the hurt,
The dullest knife just sawing  back and forth,
And ripping through the softest skin there ever was.


Monday, April 29, 2013

A story of a good friend.

I have a friend named Lai Lee Lu.
Shes a Chinese, comes from Sarawak.

The thing that I like about her is, shes kind.

Lai selalu bantu saya dalam pelajaran. Terutamanya dalam subjek Matematik. (sebab Matematik memerlukan kefahaman, tak macam subjek lain. Baca sendiri pon boleh paham). Setiap kali saya tanya dia, dia akan ajar saya sampai saya faham. Kalau saya tak pahampaham jugak, dia akan dengan sabarnya cuba untuk buat saya faham. Dia tak pernah marah. :') Mujurlah saya ni tak bengap sangat. Paham jugak lastlast. 

Plus, shes a very humble person. Shes not a poser. I really hate poser people. One tend to be a poser when shes smart (or she thinks shes smart). So take note on this smarty pants. Eh

She also has a nice handwriting. I like her handwriting. Very neat. I heard that one handwriting portray their attitude? This might be true. Shes a very cool girl. I can see this when she holds the position of vice president of the class back in 2011. Shes so cool. Tak pernah marahmarah pon. (because when once you hold on a position, you tend to get a lot of work, making you stress, making you feel like nak marah all the time). But, shes not. 

Inilah dia Lai yang saya ceritakan. Ni masa foundation year.

No wonder God help her through the way. She got 4.00 flat haritu woots! Because shes kind. Dia tak kedekut ilmu. Terima kasih, Lai. Walaupun saya tau Lai takkan baca ni, saya nak gak publish post ni. Semoga kita kawan sampai bila-bila.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

I fell in love with you once, I'm falling for you again.

I hate it when my heart is bombard with these kind of feelings.
"These kind of feelings?" Justify that.

Well yaknow, that kind of feeling. That urge. That unwanted feeling that you can't possibly ditch it easily.

It's involuntary. Out of my control. It just keep coming. Uninvited.

Why oh whyyyyyy?

I thought I've move on. It seems that I'm not. :|

It's not that I'm not trying. I did. But it doesn't work. The thought of it just keep lingering on my mind.

I know it's about time. It takes time. *pats on my back*
Haishhh this love is sickening. I don't know it could be this bad.

I know that 'bukan semua yang kita nak akan jadi milik kita' line. It's just, hard for me to accept the fact that both of us can't be together. Maybe I'm not trying my best. Or is it already stated in the fate that we're not mean to be together?

Ah, this hurts. :'(

Whatever it is, I'll pray for one day, you'll be mine. Because, once I love, I love hard. I can't just possibly threw this feeling away! I'll work for us!


I fell in love with you once, I'm falling for you again. #iPadMini

Yeah, I'm Maisarah the technosexual. :P

Ah btw, had been listening to this for few weeks ady. So soothing~ 


Monday, April 15, 2013

Life lesson from Popopokemon!

It is okay to hate something. You just don't need to broadcast the fact and make others upset or uncomfortable.

Pokemon used to be my favorite tv series when I was a kid 10 years back.

p/s: I'm pretty sure all this politic fags don't watch Pokemon. Because they simply said things they knew would upset others. Oh, poor boy. :(

Friday, April 5, 2013

Flour on the floor.

Ini baru teaser. 

4 April 2013. Officially 21. 

Banyak benda nak cerita. Banyak sangat. Nanti, tunggu. >:D

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sedih bukan kepalang.

Tak sangka tarikh 26 Mac semalam menjadi tarikh terakhir aku melihat telefon bimbitku dalam keadaan yang sempurna. Harini dia dah cacat. Function slide yang kat bahagian tengah tu dah tercabut akibat terhempas dari paras bahu seorang kanak-kanak gergasi lapan tahun adikku, Adil. Tsk tsk tsk.

Rupa handphone ku yang kini cacat.

Apalah sangat telefon bimbit jenama Finland ni kata korangz. Tapi bagi aku, ia adalah segala-galanya(poyo, muntah bewarna sekarang). K takdela segala-galanya, tapi phone ni memang ada tempatnya yang tersendiri dalam ruangan hati aku. 

Masa di bangku persekolahan dulu, aku mana nak mampu beli handphone guna duit sendiri. Parents aku plak bukan jenis yang senang² nak belikan barang² camni. Jadi kami buat perjanjian. Kalau dapat result PMR 8A baru mereka belikan. 

Alhamdulillah, Allah perkenankan hasrat hati aku untuk memiliki telefon idaman ini pada masa itu (tahun 2008). Tak sangka tahun 2013 ni menjadi tahun cacatnya dia. 

Mungkin tercabutnya button slide ni petanda ajalnya yang dah semakin hampir. Aku takkan sesekali trade in phone ni. Biarlah ia mati di tanganku. Mungkin jugak dia merajuk memandangkan sejak aku ada phone baru, aku jarang menggunakannya. Jangan begini telefonku. Bukan niat tuanmu untuk memperlakukan dirimu sebegitu. Betapa tuanmu ini harap dirimu mengerti~

Rupa sebenar (sebelum cacat).

Bertahan telefonku. Ku mahu tunjukkan dirimu pada anak cucuku. Jangan pergi dulu~~~~



Monday, March 11, 2013


Voices tell me I should carry on,
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone.

It has always been like this. It is always too late when I realized something.
I feel bad, for not using the only chance I got to the fullest.


Every cloud has silver lining. That's the line that will at least soothe me.

p/s: Use every single chance you got to the fullest. Because it seldom comes twice!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Two days back, I got these red roses. To whoever who gave me this, thanks thanks thanks. I really appreciate it. :')

I hope I know who gave me this. That small note with unrecognized hand writing, I don't have a single clue.

Sometimes people want something to be left unknown. No worries, I got that. I do this too. ( giving things secretly to others because we want it to be sincere. Takmau balasan. Amma rite? )

Everyday waking up to this magnificent sight, my life is bliss.


Monday, February 25, 2013

250 bucks.

Today I went to Seremban town to spend my 250 worth voucher buku.

As my baby brother, Adil, 8 year old boy, asked me to buy him a set of colour pencils, I gave him a call to ask what kind of colour pencils does he want.

"Adil nak kaler yang macam mana? Kakak tak ingat Adil cakap haritu."

He replied.

"Nak Stabilo. Kalau takde, nak Faber Castell grip 24."

I asked, "grip 24?"

"Yang ada grip, 24 pieces."

Ah, kids nowadays. I don't even know that when I was 8. -____________-'

p/s: Thanks Govt. Sayang awak ketat-ketat sebab bagi kita voucher.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Of Maria Elena.

I used to hate Maria Elena so much. Because I think shes been overreacting.

But since people are talking about her here and there, I give myself a chance to read her blog. And it turned out that I actually like her. And only then I started to watch her videos. This woman is so my type!

Motif pukul 12.41am post entry just nak bagitau kau suka Maria Elena?

Har har har. Actually I want to tell the world that I just found out that I could actually fall in love (read: like) people by the way they write.

I've been reading this blog of a stranger and I feel kind of motivated with his words and life experience. You might think this post is just a rambling(since it's already 12.54am in the morning) but I kid you not. I am serious to death. *death stare*

I like people who could write good stuff. Stuff that could lift up my spirit without using those boring nerdy choices of words. Type wholeheartedly instead of being too optimistic. 

I hope I'll get the chance to meet these kind of people in the future. Uuu can't wait to meet the future me. Lol.

Whoaa dah pukul 1.07am. Bam bam that's it, goodnight!

By the way, she replied to me few days back. Tralalala~~


Saturday, February 9, 2013


Ka-ching is an imitation of the sound made by cash register, used when someone's action will result in more money whatsoeva apa aku merepak taktahu.

Okay before I proceed, I'd like to show all o'ya something.

Hikhikhik look at what we have here. Request for a post? Wow, I feel lika honeystar popstar! Mihmihmih. K scratch that, so this is it, a post exclusively written for ya Faizah. :D

Just to make sure I won't go astray from what I've been supposed to write, I'll make it like this.

  • she wants to know my budget plan
  • and how I spent my money
Okay lagi jelas kan macam ni. Pergh macam kena buat essay kat section C continuous  writing masa SPM pulak nak point out key words bagai. Wakakaka.

Alright budget plan. Hmm if you define budget plan as how one should set the financial budget, divide the money (divide as in buat partion), set brapa banyak in every partion and plan apa nak beli, set the goal, and whatnot, my answer would be, nope, I don't have one.  

Okay this is my way. Everytime dapat segedabak allowance setiap sem (thanks the Govt. for this tapi kalau allowance naik lagi rasa nak thanks hihi) I'll transfer some of the money to another acc. And I have a rule set by myself, once dah transfer, kau tak boleh guna. Ni kira for future use. Future= 5 years time. In between that, pepandai la survive. Eceh.

Jadi, amount yang aku save automatically jadik tak banyak sebab rule yang aku set tu agak membebankan since dah masuk takleh withdraw dalam masa terdekat. Only MYR 500 every sem. Memandangkan for a sem we are given around MYR 3.2k, there left another MYR 2.7k. 

Normally, I'll spent around MYR 15 untuk makan sehari. Kadang² tak sampai pon, kadang² terlebih. So average dia senang kira MYR 15. So for a month, dah MYR 450 untuk makan ja. Phewhh. MYR 450 didarabkan untuk 5 bulan, err emm lebih kurang MYR 2.2k. 

Sekarang ada lagi MYR 500 tinggal. Yang tinggal ni ikut suka liver aku nak beli apa. Aku ni boleh tahan boros jugak. K bukan boleh tahan boros tapi memang boros, suka shopping ngaak. Kalau aku rasa suka dan mampu, aku akan beli. Pastuh mula la datang perasaan 'ergh kenapa la aku beli benda ni' hmm benci perasaan itu. 

Tak dilupa, aku jugak dapat extra MYR 800 (allowance buku) every year. Yang ni la untuk beli buku + stationery, bayar duit kelas, reload kad TnG untuk balik rumah lol and yada yada tapi normally akan ada lebih. Yang lebih tu aku hadiahkan kat diri aku. Suka hati nak spent macam mana. Ha nampak tak aku sangat  memanjakan diri dekat situ. (jangan contohi)

Sebenarnya aku tak meticulous sangat dalam menguruskan kewangan ni. Sebab aku selalu rasa macam kita boleh mati bila-bila je. Takyah nak berjimat sangat dalam berbelanja. Kalau rasa nak something and you're obviously could afford (afford here is you don't have to ikat perut makan langsir sebab beli smartphone or etc)  that, beli je. Serious, beli je.

Rasanya soalan yang 'how you spent your money' pon dah terjawab kan. So all in all, dalam bahasa mudahnya, aku hanya simpan MYR 500 setiap sem. Yang selebihnya, di spent kan macam yang diceritakan tadi.  

Akhir kata, berbelanja jangan sampai boros, berjimat jangan sampai kedekut. Aku benci orang kedekut. Hahaha. Kalau ada duit lebih, jangan lupa sedekah. Baru barokah sket duit yang kita dapat. Not solely spent on ourselves ja. Baru remaja macam ni.

K, aku rasa tu ja kot nak cakap. Aiseh terpanjang plak. Maklum la syok first time ada request post kakaka. Anyone kalau rasa nak request gak, please, you're most welcome to do so. Apalagi waktu sekarang sebab cuti CNY seminggu oink oink.

K, semoga kita terhindar dari sifat membazir syaitoon dan sifat kedekut syaitoon. Pendek kata semua sifat jahat syaitoon.
