Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Deodorant VS Antiperspirant

Few weeks back, Ron (my sister in case if you're a new reader of this blog) sent me long text on Whatsapp. And I feel so responsible to share it with you guys.

Memula pelik gak. The screen shot above says, guna deodorant bukan perspirant. I was like, err what's the different? Is there a difference? I'm an antiperspirant user. Is the product I've been applying everyday is putting my health at risk? Seriously? *drama mode*

I don't know who to ask so I just Google-d.

Based on the reading I've been doing, this is what I can conclude.

Antiperspirant- It prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body to eliminate toxins through armpits. (makna katanya anda jadik tak berpeluh)

Deodorant- Deodorant works by neutralizing the smell of the sweat and by antispetic action against bacteria.

So aku rasa deodorants are preferable because it don't interfere with sweating, a natural cooling process. Dia berfungsi dengan hanya meneutralkan bau peluh tu. Antiperspirant on the other hand is not preferable sebab dia halang proses perpeluhan. Menghalang proses perpeluhan bermakna menghalang toxin keluar dari badan. Antara kandungan dalam antiperspirant adalah aluminium. This aluminium blocks the sweat ducts and hence, ketiak tak berpeluh.

Pastuh apa kaitan ketiak tak berpeluh dengan breast cancer?
Banyak kajian yang telah dijalankan mengatakan yang breast cancer ni develop in the upper outer part of the breast -- the area close to armpits where antiperspirant are applied.

Kajian-kajian ni mengatakan bahan kimia dalam dalam antiperspirant iaitu aluminium are absorbed into the skin. Terutamanya after shaving. Bahan kimia ni akan react dengan DNA and lead to cancerous changes in cells atau boleh juga mengganggu hormon estrogen yang diketahui boleh mempengaruhi pertumbuhan sel kanser payudara.

Sumber kat sini. 

Tapi semua ni dibidas oleh Ted S. Gansler, MD, MBA; pengarah medical content America Cancer Society. Katanya, "there is no convincing evidence that antiperspirant use increase cancer risk." And he added, "the studies that have been conducted were flawed."

Plus yang aku baca kat sini, katanya antiperspirant ni takla menghalang sweating process 100%. Dalam 20% camtu je and even by the best ones reduce sweating by less than half. Hmmm.

Konklusinya, antiperspirant tak menyebabkan breats cancer. Tapi if you prefer to go natural, bleh je guna lemons as deodorant hehe. Guna apa-apa pon takpa. As long as you tak bau busuk. Eh

Kalau nak pemahaman yang lebih mantop lagi, bleh search kat Google, Bing mahupun Yahoo. Kalau ada fakta aku yang salah, tolong tegur. I bakal cikgu uols. Takde berkenaan ngan science langsung. Takut ada fakta salah kenzzz.

K tu je perkongsian untuk harini. Till then!


p/s: I love the internet. Nak tau semua benda type je on the taskbar and bam! Hundred result keluar uols. Tapi kalau ada kemusykilan bab agama, kena tanya ustard eh. Jangan main Google je. Hehe

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