Tuesday, June 26, 2012

0.06 to 4.0. Almost there.

So the result is out. Remember the other time I told you something on this post.Yang ada orang mintak tolong on something and I feel hesitate sebab examination is around the corner?

And tell you what? That person got 3.98! Thatz iz awezome. And shes right kids. Keberkatan tu yang kita nak cari. 

Sometimes kita study berhempas pulas, burn the midnight oil and everything, still tak dapat result gempak jalur gemilang. Why?

Sebabnya banyak. Tapi antaranya yang aku nak stress are

  • Study, tapi tak absorb pon apa yang di study nya dalam otak. Kenapa tak absorb? More on that later.
  • Allah nak uji kita. Nak tengok kental mana kita dengan ujian kegagalan tu.
  • Takdak keberkatan. THIS! 

Just so you know, and please know, I'm not smart. I'm a slow learner. I don't have strength. I'm weak. I'm everything on the negative list. But somehow, miracles happened in my recent result. Alhamdulillah for that. And my warm congratulation to my classmates yang dapat 4 flat tuh. :)

And for those yang tak dapat, mari kita kejar mereka! Jangan give up please. Jangan down please. Pleaseee pleasee pleaseee kamu jangan nakal *tetibe*

So pengajarannya ialah, do good deeds. It does affect our life. It's just we, that couldn't see it. I hope you get what I'm trying to say.

p/s: Bila aku baca balik, isi post ni macam terabur. Nak tahu kenapa? Sebab sem ni hidup aku macam terabur. OTL 
p/s/s: Adik aku kata ustaz dia kata, kalau agak² hidup macam serabut tu, check balik hubungan dengan Allah. I better check. 

Imma get this for self reward. I love you Mysarah Alloha. Yes, I'm obsess with myself. 


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pointless post that will just waste your time. Simply don't click this.

Pogues - Love you till the end

I just want to see you 
When you're all alone 
I just want to catch you if I can 
I just want to be there 
When the morning light explodes 
On your face it radiates 
I can't escape 
I love you 'till the end 
I just want to tell you nothing 
You don't want to hear 
All I want is for you to say 
Why don't you just take me 
Where I've never been before 
I know you want to hear me 
Catch my breath 
I love you 'till the end 

I just want to be there 
When we're caught in the rain 
I just want to see you laugh not cry 
I just want to feel you 
When the night puts on it's cloak 
I'm lost for words don't tell me 
All I can say 
I love you 'till the end

p/s: This got nothing to do with my life. I'm just so messed up with this semester that had leaded me to post this. What's the connection? As simple as it's on my playlist. Hahaha I know right.


Sunday, June 17, 2012


Siapa pernah rasa macam nak berada dalam zero gravity? Macam gamba bawah ni. 

Best wooooo! *kata mereka di dalam hati*

Apa yang mencetuskan post ni bila aku tengok satu rancangan tv ni tadi. Nama rancangan tuh Extreme. Rancangan ni pasal sukan² yang ekstreme. Salah satu tadi pasal zero gravity nih la. Banyak lagi yang lain. Tapi aku lebih tertarik yang ni.

It has always been my dream to float in the air (childish much).  I just want to know how does it feels like. And to my surprise, ada nama pesawat G Force One yang offer untuk sesapa yang nak experience rasa terapong! Gila best aku tengok dorang main² dalam pesawat tuh tadi. Wiuwiuwiu

Bukan tu je yang aku nak rasa. Aku nak jugak tengok depan mata sendiri macam mana air boleh terapung bila takde graviti. 

Macam ni!

Untuk merealisasikan impian ni, aku kena kumpul duit. Mahal kot nak participate ni. Dengan tix nak pegi sana lagi. Ngaaak. Plus, great companion is needed jugak. Tak best kot buat benda best sensorang/with strangers. Kena plan bebetul nih ngan sibling or maybe kengkawang aku. Tapi aku tak rasa kengkawang aku tuh berminat dengan benda aceni. :/

p/s: Bestnya banyak duit. Banyak benda boleh buat. Yes money can't buy happiness. But it does help. 


Friday, June 15, 2012

Farewell Netherlands.

Kinda frustrated Netherlands kalah.
It's okay, better luck next time perhaps.

Oh, cakap pasal Netherlands. Pernah denga tak Holland?

Ramai orang macam tak tau (termasuklah aku) yang Holland tu tak sama dengan Netherlands. Holland tu actually just nama wilayah dalam Netherlands. Contohnya cam kita ni la. Nama negara, Malaysia. Pastuh Pahang tuh negeri dalam Malaysia.

Sama la ngan Netherlands. Netherlands tu negara. Holland tu berada dalam Netherlands. Kiranya Holland tuh subset kepada Netherlands.

So kalau ada deejay radio yang cakap,
Pada malam ini, Hollands akan menentang German bla bla bla, korang teros call station radio tuh pastuh cakap, salah woi! Saying Hollands menentang German is like saying Pahang menetang England. K, aku gurau je. Tak payah call kot. :|

Memang Holland macam lagi senang nak sebut. Tapi salah. Kalau nak lagi senang sebut, cakap jelah Belanda. Kan? Muahahahaha

Dutch tuh orang Belanda. Rasanya yang ni semorang pon tau. Kfinebye.


Source here.


p/s (this is only for Sis Bella, if you're not Sis Bella, ignore this) : 
I think I got caught already. Pageviews daripada UK lagi banyak daripada Malaysia smalam. To Sis Bella if you're reading this, yes, I'm that rainbow cake anon. Too shy to reveal myself yaknoww *_*

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


If I ask you what is Thalassemia, would you be able to answer that? You gotta continue reading if you answer err errr errr. You have to!

Semalam aku tengok satu talk show ni, Bella. Ye, nama talk show tu Bella. Dia macam talk show lain yang macam Wanita Hari Ini, Nona and lain². Tapi die English talk show.

So episod semalam, 11 June 2012, pukul 11.00 pagi, ada satu slot tuh dia cakap pasal Thalassemia. It caught my attention because honestly, I don't really know about this disease. Tau gitu² je sebab macam penah blaja dalam Biology masa Form 5 dulu. Hahaha

Now straight to the point, what is Thalassemia? Thalassemia is a blood disorder. Maksud kau apa Mai? Ok maksudnya kecacatan darah yang menyebabkan badan seseorang itu menghasilkan hemoglobin yang tak normal.

As you know, hemoglobin is super important component in red blood cells (RBC). It helps RBC to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. So could you imagine what will happens if hemoglobin korang tak normal? Tak dapat imagine? Ok tengok sini. Kat sini plak untuk tau akibat yang lain.

So Mai, camane caranya nak elakkan daripada terkena penyakit ni? Okay baiklah (gaya dokter siot), puan-puan dan tuan-tuan, penyakit ini adalah penyakit yang diwarisi. Kalau ada salah seorang daripada parents korang carrier, korang mungkin jugak seorang carrier.

K jangan panik. Kalau korang carrier, takde masalah. Sebab apa? Sebab korang hanya carrier, bukan exhibit penyakit tu.

TAPI korang yang carrier ni, dinasihatkan jangan kawen dengan orang yang carrier jugak. Sebab apa, probability untuk korang dapat anak yang betul² ada penyakit ni adalah 25%. Tinggi tuh uolss. Jap, paham tak aku cakap apa ni? K jom try tengok gamba bawah ni.

Yang biru tuh memang bebas daripada jadik carrier. Yang purple tuh mewakili 50% yang akan jadik carrier dan yang merah tuh la yang akan ada penyakit ni. Jadi korang yang carrier ni sanggup ke ambik risiko kawen jugak dengan orang yang juga seorang carrier? Sanggup ke korang tengok anak korang ada penyakit ni nanti?

Kau cakap senang la Mai. Kami ni dah bercinta sejak di bangku sekolah lagi. Takkan lepas tau yang kami ni dua² carrier, kami nak putuskan hubungan ni. Lagipon 25% je kebarangkalian untuk mendapat anak yang ada Thalessemia. Kami tak rela nak berpisah, kami tak sanggup.

Amboi korangzz. Hurmm, terserah la kalau macam tu. Tapi bagi kite² yang belom kawen lagi ni, marilah kite buat Thalessemia screen test. Yelah, manalah tau kalau kita carrier. Aku pun taktahu jugak aku carrier ke tak.

Kalau kita bukan seorang carrier, takde masalah nak kawen dengan orang carrier. Tapi kalau kita seorang carrier, seblom nak mengorat or further the relationship into serious matter, tanya dulu si dia. 

"You ni carrier Thalassemia tak? Kalau ya, sampai sini jelah hubungan kita. I tak sanggup tengok anak I ada Thalessemia nanti. Sebab I penah baca kat blog Maicher yang kalau carrier kawen dengan carrier, probability untuk dapat anak yang menghidap Thalessimia tuh 25%." 

Conclusion nya, penting untuk kite (yang belom berkahwin) ni buat screen test. Takkan nanti nak pegi daftar kawen, pastuh kena buat blood test and all, baru tau dua² adalah carrier. Masa tu barulah kite rasa serabut tak tentu arah dan teragak agak to call the wedding off kan? Dah bercinta bagai nak rak persiapan dah settle apa semua, hasihh haru baqhang.

p/s: Ni antara apa yang aku dapat daripada tengok rancangan tuh dan sedikit jasa budi Google. Kalau ada salah tolong betulkan I eh uols.


Friday, June 8, 2012


"It hurts. But at least I know that I have heart. That's a relief. I'll wait. I'll wait for you though you might not aware about it. So be it, if it's my destiny."

So this is my first post for this month and accidentally it's on June, 8th. So what's the connection? I'll get to you later on this.

I have this one problem. I donno/ feel awkward/ hesitate in using the right pronoun with certain person. 

I hate to be in this circumstance for I don't know the right pronoun to be picked. I'm confused either to use aku /saya/ana/i/ or any other subject pronoun.

I'm that type of person who don't favor to use the word 'awak'. I don't know why. I just feel something's not right if I utter that word. But I'm doing fine using the word 'saya'.

So bila rasa macam okay guna 'saya', mesti pair dia adalah 'awak'. Takkan 'saya' pair dengan 'kau' pulak kan? Ngahahaha

Kalau nak guna 'kau', mesti pair dengan 'aku'. But, it is so not me to ber kau-aku with these very-rare-I-talk-with people. Sounds so not proper. 

So I end up using English language. Easy. There's no option to be choose. There's only I and you. There's no saya-awak, aku-kau, ana-anti, kite-anda(this one is funny) and etc.

But of course. This is not the solution though. Why? Here's the story.

Last semester, I was assigned to do some work with a group of seniors. For the sister seniors, easy, I'll use the word 'saya' and just the word 'Kak' for them. Problem was when it comes to brother seniors. 

When doing work in a team, we have to communicate with them in real life and also in virtual life (text, facebook and etc).

Kalau in real life, boleh lagi nak avoid guna saya/aku tuh. Tapi cuba imagine bila nak reply text. Acano tuh? 

Bila dah serabut malas nak fikir which suitable pronoun to be pick, I text them in english. Problem solved!

But, just after the work had settled, a friend of mine, Opie asked me.

" You know what, this one senior asked me something about you yesterday."
" And what is that?"
" He asked me, mysarah tu memang selalu speaking ke?"

Ohmygingerrrrrr, apa yang tengah berlaku ni?! Duniaku tiba² menjadi kelam. See what people had thought about me?

Bila masa aku selalu speaking woiii. Grammar pon terabur bersepai. Aku text pakai bahse Inggeris sebab taktahu nak guna pronoun apa. Takkan nak guna 'aku'. For me, 'aku' ni untuk orang yang selalu we hang out with. But with a stranger, senior pulak tu, takkan nak guna 'aku'?

Kalau nak guna 'ana', macam mainstream sangat. That explains why I text them in eng.

Memang tak senang duduklah kan lepas tuh. Mesti orang ingat aku berlagak/poyo/poser or ape² lah. Pastuh aku teros buat karangan mintak maaf, inbox kat facebook.

He then told my friend that actually theres nothing to be mintak maaf. Tapi yelah, rasa tak sedap kot bila someone questioned something like that. Kalau betul selalu speaking takpe, ni tak pon. 

Up till now, I'm still awkward. End of story.

Bui-bui. Eh before that.

The June 8th story. It's my best friend birthday. Or maybe I should say, ex-best friend?. Shes someone that used to be one that I spent time with every single day. We play together, go to the same school, eating ice cream at our port dan banyak lagi lah bestfriend stuff yang kitorang buat.

But as time flies, after dia pindah, we don't longer keep in touch. She don't even text me to wish my befday.(and so do I) She simply drop 'happy birthday, Sarah' on my timeline like most people did. Shes now just somebody that I used to know. And to make some connection with this post, I also feel awkward in picking the right pronoun bila nak cakap dengan dia. I forgot, what do I use before this eh, saya ke aku? Yeah, this is not healthy. :(

p/s: I need a new bestfriend. 

Bui-bui (for real).