"Don't let the umbrella open in the house. Or ghosts will surround your house." -Chinese
"Jangan duduk atas bantal. Nanti bisul!" -Malay
"Don't sing at the kitchen or you'll end up marrying an old man." -Malay
Opie : I need water. I'm chocked!
Opah : Someone might have talk about you ni. -Malay
I'm pretty sure you might have listen such saying before. Those are several that I can quote. Of course, there are a lot more.
But somehow, do you believe in such thing? I have to admit, I do believe. (ter believe) Woha! But none of those above.
It's this one.
"When your right eyebrow falls, someone might have miss you."
Alrite, wait. Bukan percaya macam mana. It's like this, once my eyebrow fall, my mind would go straight and tell me, "Hey, someone miss you." Yes, that way. It's involuntary.
p/s: Do you believe in such thing? Come on, tell me whats that if you say yes!
jatuhkan satu bulu mata anda dan saya akan mengaku rindu pada anda.
cheist, benda mengarut camtu kau percaya? haha XD
haha. come on, tell yours! mesti ada neh.
never believe , tapi kadang2 'ter-percaya' pulak...heheh
kalau perkara tu membahagiakan.. apa salahnyer kalau nak percaya kan?? hehehe
suka la entry ni.. suka sgt!
haha. takleh caye la. mengarut je sume ni. this is just for fun :p
aKu thu tu spe tg rindu kaw!eittss :D
opie mengarut.
babe. kalau tidur bangun lambat i mean bila matahari dah tinggi alamat kau kawen orang tua. hahahaha. opah aku cakap.
macam mana kalau orang yang tido bangun lambat tu adalah orang tua? mungkinkah dia akan berkahwin dengan orang tua jugak?
ke ni untuk anak dara/teruna je? :p
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