Saturday, March 19, 2011


Salam hye and hello.
As the title, this is a tagged post.
A tagged from Edi.
So, let's dive in!

1) Adakah anda rasa anda hot?
I'm cool in a hot way. ;p

2) Upload gambar/wallpaper/pic yang anda guna sekarang.

Siblings | Adi, Adil, Ron and me.

3) Cerita pasal gambar.
This is the latest pic out of all pic that I own now.We went to Kak Azie's wedding. Ina is the
one who snapped it. That's explain why she's not there. Camera: D700.

4) Bila kali terakhir makan ayam?
Last decade. haha. zzzz

5) Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
Open your eyes - Maher Zain.

6) Apa yang sedang anda buat selain daripada menyelesaikan tag ini?
Talking to Ron.

7) Selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil apa?

8) Tag 8 orang.
a) mirah.
b) mizah.
c) nadia ar-rumaisha.
d) nadia cyiee.
e) lutfi.

9) Siapakah no 1 anda?
I considered her as my best friend. We don't know that long, but I like her^^

10) Katakan sesuatu tentang no 5.
A qberian. A "friend" of Ron.

11) Orang no 3 berhubungan dengan siapa?
Tak tahu lah pulak saya -.-'

12) Bagaimana pula dengan no 4?
Old mates. Gifted in drawing.

13) Pesanan buat no 6?
I don't have no 6.haha

14) Kata-kata cinta buat no 2?
I love you lah my cousin :D
p/s:we got the same birthdate mann! It's just, I'm a year older.

15) Adakah no 7 dan 8 mempunyai persamaan?
I don't have no 7 and 8.

16) Berikan 5 perkara yang anda tahu tentang no 1?
-Nor Amirah bt Mohd Rupiah is her full name.
-Born on July 17th 1992
-A math teacher-to-be
-Single but not available

17) Persamaan antara kambing dan lembu?
Both are mammals. :)

18) Perasaan ketika menjawab tag ini?
Happy. *cliche*

19) Adakah anda tahu Rizmam itu sengal?
I don't know who on earth is Rizman.

20) Gay or less?



Unknown said...

masyeh masyeh my best friend :) . nnti ak wat tagged ni klau ad msa . assgment blambak wooo . kat umahh keje tdo + on9 jepp . hihih ;)

intan.maisarah said...


Henry Zackery said...

ingatkan TEGGED dot COM tadi..hehe :)