Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fever attack.


It's raining outside.
Head is heavy. Face is burning. Fluid of you-know-what is dribbling non-stop from the morning. Body temperature is above 37 Celsius.

What are those signs indicating then?
Yes, you smart reader.
I'm not well.

Well I'm telling this to whoever-you-might-be to pray for me.
I'm begging. (err..isn't this too much?)
As this week will be a hectic week. I need to be 100% healthy.
With such condition, I can't give my best in what so ever I do.
So, I really need to be HEALTHY.

Maybe this is a test from Him.
Reminding me that I've done things that bring me far apart from Him.
Astaghrufilullah.. (which more less means, I'm sorry Ya Allah)
My friend had once told me that "kesakitan tu insya-Allah sebagai penghapus dosa-dosa kecil kita".

I still remember it.
Wallahualam..till then.


Saturday, March 19, 2011


Salam hye and hello.
As the title, this is a tagged post.
A tagged from Edi.
So, let's dive in!

1) Adakah anda rasa anda hot?
I'm cool in a hot way. ;p

2) Upload gambar/wallpaper/pic yang anda guna sekarang.

Siblings | Adi, Adil, Ron and me.

3) Cerita pasal gambar.
This is the latest pic out of all pic that I own now.We went to Kak Azie's wedding. Ina is the
one who snapped it. That's explain why she's not there. Camera: D700.

4) Bila kali terakhir makan ayam?
Last decade. haha. zzzz

5) Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
Open your eyes - Maher Zain.

6) Apa yang sedang anda buat selain daripada menyelesaikan tag ini?
Talking to Ron.

7) Selain nama sendiri, anda dipanggil apa?

8) Tag 8 orang.
a) mirah.
b) mizah.
c) nadia ar-rumaisha.
d) nadia cyiee.
e) lutfi.

9) Siapakah no 1 anda?
I considered her as my best friend. We don't know that long, but I like her^^

10) Katakan sesuatu tentang no 5.
A qberian. A "friend" of Ron.

11) Orang no 3 berhubungan dengan siapa?
Tak tahu lah pulak saya -.-'

12) Bagaimana pula dengan no 4?
Old mates. Gifted in drawing.

13) Pesanan buat no 6?
I don't have no 6.haha

14) Kata-kata cinta buat no 2?
I love you lah my cousin :D
p/s:we got the same birthdate mann! It's just, I'm a year older.

15) Adakah no 7 dan 8 mempunyai persamaan?
I don't have no 7 and 8.

16) Berikan 5 perkara yang anda tahu tentang no 1?
-Nor Amirah bt Mohd Rupiah is her full name.
-Born on July 17th 1992
-A math teacher-to-be
-Single but not available

17) Persamaan antara kambing dan lembu?
Both are mammals. :)

18) Perasaan ketika menjawab tag ini?
Happy. *cliche*

19) Adakah anda tahu Rizmam itu sengal?
I don't know who on earth is Rizman.

20) Gay or less?


Sunday, March 13, 2011

When I'm gone.

"You die when you die. No questions asked. No age limit required. It doesn't matter if you're 17 or 71, you'll die when you die."

I just read a blog of my friend, telling that he had just lost a friend.
His friend is 22. Twenty two.
Pretty young in anybody's book.
He hadn't even started working yet. He hadn't even finished his studies.
And... he died.

So then I wonder.
How will my life ended up like?
When will I die?

Will I get the chance to repay my parents, to be call
teacher...teacher.. to get married, to have my own kids?????
Well,this is rhetorical. No one knows.

Will I get the chance to.. err..to...ermm never mind.

In case if I'm gone one day,
Tell those whom do not read these.
Tell them these...

I'm sorry for all my wrongdoings,
Halalkan makan minum aku.
Halalkan segala hutang aku. (kalau ada)
Doakan kesejahteraan aku di alam sana.

Do miss me....

Please know that I always love all of you, no matter how much I hurt and no matter how annoy
I am to you.

Seriously, we will never know when He will call us.
In case if He had called me, at least I have something prepared for all of you, my beloved bunch of people.

It's 12.38 am now.
I hope I still got the chance to see the world tomorrow.
Good night.

(I have no idea. But I'm afraid to type bui-bui for this post. Afraid that it will be my last bui-bui in my whole life)


Monday, March 7, 2011

Your weight on other world

Salam and hey to all of ya!
(cheitt macam ramai jea baca blog aku yang aku pegi tulis "all of ya" -.-' )

Actually, I just wanna share something that caught my attention tonight.
Yes, as stated above and below.

"Your weight on other world"

pergghh | epic la pic ni!

No matter how small, big, fat or thin you are, let's check yours here !

As for me, I am,

15.8 kg on Mercury.
38 kg on Venus
6.9 kg on moon
15.8 kg on Mars
99.2 kg on Jupiter
44.6 kg on Saturn

and many moreee actually.
Quick, go and check yours!

I bet no one wants to live in Jupiter.


Sunday, March 6, 2011


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera!

Aku sebenarnya dah lama nak post cerita ni, tapi disebabkan kekangan masa, peluang and so-on so-on, jadi tak berpeluang lah aku berbuat demikian.(cheitt alasan jea)

Okay, keajaiban. Apa yang bakal aku cerita ni adalah bukan kisah aku. Tapi kawan aku.

Kawan aku ni dulu, tapak kaki sebelah kanan dia berkudis. Memang terok ah kudis tuh. Sampai cam ada lubang. Nauzubillah. Korang bleh bayang tak agaknya.

Sehinggalah ke suatu hari, ada orang cakap kat dia ataupun dia baca buku, aku pun tak sure. Tapi apa yang pasti, camni arh dia buat.

  1. Ambik satu besen ke bekas ke, apa-apa lah tak kisah.
  2. Baca al-fatihah 41 kali dekat air tu.
  3. Usapkan dekat bahagian yang sakit tuh.
  4. Sambil-sambil tu, niatkan dalam hati yang kita betul-betul nak sembuh.

So malam tuh dia buat la.

Bila dia bangun pagi tu, tapak kaki dia dah licin!

Takde langsung kudis, nanah, apatah lagi lubang!

Sampai dia sendiri pun tak tau tapak kaki sebelah mana yang berkudis tuh.

Yela dah dua-dua pon licin.

Subhanallah, subhanallah.!

Meremang jugak la bulu roma aku time dengar cerita dia uh.Ye la, zaman sekarang ni, susah tau nak jumpa keajaiban depan-depan mata camni.hermm..

Sebenarnya perkara-perkara macam ni boleh berlaku dalam hidup korang kalau korang yakin dengan kuasa Allah. Aku sendiri pun penah melalui sesuatu yang aku sangat tak sangka.

Masa tu aku tak tau nak berharap kat sape. Allah jea harapan aku. And aku sangat terkejut tahap dewa bila perkara tu berlaku. Korang imagine la, something yang korang langsung tak expect akan berlaku, tapi berlaku! Subhanallah...

p/s:miracle penah berlaku dalam hidup korang? kalau penah, share jom! :)


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

63 Building

Sekarang memang busy.
Tapi aku nak jugak post ni.
Jjyeahhh !!
Kalau aku diberi peluang untuk pilih tempat yang aku nak pegi.
berikut adalah senarai-senarai nya. :)

  1. Mekah Al-Mukarramah
  2. Aquaria KLCC
  3. Sanggojae, Korea Selatan
  4. Jeju Island
  5. 63 Building
  6. Eiffel Tower
  7. Hong Kong Disneyland
  8. Caledonia Island
  9. Istanbul
  10. Rome
  11. Rumah Lee Dong Wook
  12. Victoria waterfalls
  13. Masjid kristal
  14. Taipei 101
  15. Burj Dubai hotel
  16. Venice, Italy
  17. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
  18. Forbidden City, Beijing
  19. Taj Mahal, India
  20. Mount Fuji, Japan
  21. The Walt Disney World!
  22. Sydney Opera House
Ni la antara tempat-tempatnya.
Korang plakss?
Kalau korang buat post pasal ni, please buzz aku tau.

Aku pun nak tau jugak mana yang korang idam-idamkan nak pegi. ^__^
