Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gambar raya 1433.

Brace yourself as I'll flood this post with a lot of pictures!

Perjalanan bermula! I'm with brotha and my youngest sister, Ina. The rest was with my parents. Yes, two wagons since my family is biggg.

I safely touched down Kota Bharu around 3.15am. Yes, we sahur somewhere around Ketereh. No pics as it was 2.00 am. 

The next day we went to the town. It is always the girls tradition to borong tudung kat Kota Bharu a day before raya. So, here we go!

Why are they like this? +.+

Next, the first raya. I'm gonna show you my clown outfit.

Spot the clown clad in turquoise! Hint? She wears pink shawl. Now geddit? Thats our clown! :D

Kalau duduk taklah terserlah mana Maisarah the turqoise clown tuh! :D

This is my current Facebook profile picture. I've no idea how people could comment on my pic. I set it private kot. What's wrong with Facebook nowadays?! *angkat cangkul*

Next, second raya!

Motif posing kat kubur? +.+

Hannah and Qayyum!

Very nicely done kuih raya.

Next, third raya! 

Ze girlz.

The night before I fall sick. The pale-ness is obvious.

Theres nothing much on this day. Those pics kat masjid Kubang Kerian. My related family's (who I don't even knows in person) akad nikah.

Next, fourth raya! 
And there was no me. Demam that day remember? :(

Akad nikah malam semalam. Harini majlis dia. Double cheese burger wedding. 

Gamba penutup.

I save this for the last pic as it is the only pic that had been taken at night. Oh ada gamba time main mercun. But it's too mainstrean that I can't upload it here. K selamat hari raya puasa enam pretty and handsome!




Izyan Kaher said...

gahhhhhh! for real itu kuih raya? tak sampai hati nak makan. it's too cute! selamat hari raya :D

Maicher said...

Yup it is kuih raya. very cute aitee. ^^

syahirooAhmad said...

wah yana... photogenic! hehe.. i like hijau turqoise.. ingat next raya i nak try lak biru turqoise...

Unknown said...

cantik2 semuanyer, hehe SHR!