Dear Bro Musz,
You're officially 39 today. Wish you great health, overloaded prosperity and everlasting happiness. Amin.


Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al-Masrie | Sleep to me is, wasting time.
This awesome guy used to be my source of semangat when I was in secondary school. He's like catalyst that catalyze me. I feel motivated, captivated every time I heard news about him. If you knew his story (cite dia masa kecik), you will have the same thought as mine about him. Every single time he do something, he has high determination and don't easily give up. That's what I like the best about him. BUKAN SEBAB HANDSOME SEMATA-MATA EH. Sebab kalau handsome tapi _____ buat apa kan? :p
My points are, marilah kita berusaha untuk menjadi bijak dan berkebolehan dalam pelbagai bidang macam brader nih. People will fall for it. Macam Nabi kita, Muhammad SAW. :')
p/s: Aku tak minat dia sampai rasa nak kawen pon eh(macam orang tuh). He's to me like a brother je. Beza umur 20 tahun kot.
Ayuh bersemangat!