Salam and hey readers..
I just want to let you know,
that I,
already deactivated my Facebook account !

it was last night when i decided to.
i donno.
just thinking that fb is a kinda distraction,
wasting time?
what else..
(takde pekdah) -.-'
so after this,
no more red notifications,
no more stalking people's wall ;p
no more err...
whatever it is...
farewell i bid to
Mark Zuckerberg.
bui-bui FACEBOOK. ^___^
I just want to let you know,
that I,
already deactivated my Facebook account !

it was last night when i decided to.
i donno.
just thinking that fb is a kinda distraction,
wasting time?
what else..
(takde pekdah) -.-'
so after this,
no more red notifications,
no more stalking people's wall ;p
no more err...
whatever it is...
farewell i bid to
Mark Zuckerberg.

p/s : to Mark Zuckerberg, you just lost an eager, addicted Facebooker!
teringin juga nak deactvd..tp pkir2 blik d mase sng gak nak kontek n tau info kwn2 skang..heeh
ermm..mmg betol tuh..rase2 ni pon temporary jea cos nak exam..
muhahaha :D
wah tahniah berjaya deactived account fb
hahaha.. deactivate tak lama pun... lawak2.. =P
tak lawak mana lah lutfizain oi!
ooo.. ok tak lawak..tak lwak..
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