Sunday, September 28, 2014

Just because.

"Why do you like red?"
"Just because."

Too often, in my life, I use this "just because" phrase. But the truth is, there must be a reason for every act that have led to my decision.

I've got to admit that I don't have the ability to put my thoughts and feelings into words, into sentences to make other people understand why exactly I do/choose things. The reasons are there, hiding behind my medulla oblongata, or maybe in between the cerebrum and cerebellum but it seems like they don't find their way out. Stuck.

I believe there must be a reason. I need to practice to say things.

Notes: Just because= saja-saja. Jangan pula ditanya just because of what? Just because is a complete sentence in case if you didn't know. :)

Btw yesterday, I went to Big Bad Wolf at Pasaraya Rapid 2, Seremban. Surprisingly, tak ramai orang. Okay ramai jugakla but not to the extent that I have to push people around for the sake of nak cari buku idaman. Haha tak payah bersesak pon.

This was one of the book that I've bought. Ain't a fan of Sudoku. Tapi beli jugak. Bincangkan sebab-sebab yang mungkin telah menyebabkan Maicher beli buku tersebut. (10 marks) Jawapan "just because" adalah salah sama sekali.

On an unrelated note, I urge myself and you guys to perbanyakkan amal soleh pada 10 hari pertama Zulhijjah.

Boleh puasa sunat 1 - 9 Zulhijjah terutama ( Zulhijjah iaitu Puasa Sunat Hari 'Arafah, solat sunat, doa dan zikrullah, baca dan tadabbur Al-quran, infaq, selawat ke atas junjungan nabi Muhammad SAW, amalkan sunnah² nabi, eratkan silaturrahim dan ukhuwwah, hadiri majlis ilmu agama, nasihat menasihati dan lain² lagi.

Tujelah rasanya update kali ini. Selamat meneruskan sisa hidup dengan jaya dan gembira.

May peace be upon ya!



Zaki! Namaku said...

Came here to say Hi.. followed your bkog too.

Maicher said...

oh hi. Thankyou! :)

ratu pimples said...

Sudoku! Bestnye. Ratu suka main sudoku :)

CD said...

maicher beli buku tersebut untuk mengasah otak beliau menyebut perkataan lain selain daripada just because.. hehehe..

saya pun kekadang susah nak describing... selalunya saya tanya orang tu balik, "kau rasa?" hehe

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