Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hello, assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera. Ini adalah post yang kesembilan untuk tahun ni. I bet no one cares. Well of course, who cares. 

Post ni sekadar untuk meluahkan apa yang aku rasa. Jadual sem ni sangat pack. Aku penat ah. Serious penat dengan kerja yang berkilo-kilo. :( 

Padahal masa mula² dapat jadual harituh punya heaven kelas pagi je, petang takde. Tapi apa yang dah jadi sekarangg? Asyik replacement kelas tak habes². Tak, aku tak merungut. Sekadar berkongsi dengan anak² aku apa yang telah ibu mereka lalui pada usia ibu mereka hampir mencecah 20 tahun. :pp

Dah busy busy macam ni, aku teringat satu artikel yang aku baca kat Productive Muslim. Best artikelnya. Nak baca full tekan ah link tu. Yang bawah ni sebahagian jewww.

His son, Abdullah, asked his father one day: “Abi when will we ever relax?” His father, one of the greatest revivers of the Sunnah and a role model for all Muslims, looked him in the eye and said: “With the first step we take into Jannah.”

Aku harap sangat korang klik link tuh. Taktahu kenapa, tapi bila aku baca, meremang bulu roma.

p/s: Aku suka ayat last artikel tuh. So sweet I can die. :')

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Triple A.

Yaknow, it's tiring to think something that is pointless. That is what I've been doing lately. Gahhh. Get off from ma head will ya?


Saturday, February 11, 2012

A fruitless tree.

Ilmu tanpa amal, ibarat pokok tanpa buah. Haaa, penah dengar tak?

Aku nak tanya korang, dah berapa lama korang belajar bahasa Inggeris? Kalau aku, ada lah dalam 15 tahun. Wait 15 years?? Say whotttt?!

Ya, dah lebih kurang 15 tahun aku blaja bahasa Inggeris. Daripada aku tadika, sampailah skarang. Tapi kenapa, sampai skarang aku takleh speaking english fluently

Aku bukan je takleh cakap fluently, malah aku juga takleh tulis dengan baik. Grammatical error everytime aku tulis post in English tu memang biasalah.

Honestly, aku malu kot. Malu kalau kawan² aku yang English power tuh baca blog aku. Mesti dorang gelak rolling on the floor baca apa yang aku tulis sambil cakap "Mai, mai, terok dowh English hang." 

Takpe, aku pasrah. *crying at the corner of the room*

Kenapa eh takleh cakap nor tulis English dengan baik? Padahal daripada kecik kot blaja.

Aku ada sorang kawan. Dia sekolah kat skolah Cina daripada tadika, sampailah dia darjah empat. Jadi, tempoh dia belajar bahasa Cina lebih kurang 5 tahun.

Even hanya 5 tahun belajar kat sekolah Cina, dia boleh cakap Mandarin dengan fluent nya! Mark my word there, SHE CAN SPEAK MANDARIN FLUENTLY.

Oh my Allah, jelly nya aku! Aku belajar 15 tahun, dia 5 taun? Arghh.

Aku dah nampak sebenarnya solusi kepada masalah ni. Kita belajar, tapi kita tak amal. Belajar, pastuh tak amal. Dalam bahasa lain, tak guna apa yang kita belajar tu.

Tak macam kawan aku tuh, dia belajar, dia guna. Dia terpaksa guna sebab masa tuh, kawan² dia yang lain mostly adalah Chinese. So nak tak nak, kena jugak cakap Mandarin.

Aku bukan taknak cakap English, but you know, bukan semua orang boleh terima bahasa ni. Certain orang rasa ok je cakap English in daily life, tapi certain lagi berpendapat,

"Dah mat saleh habes la speaking tunggang langgang camtuh? Forget it broh"

"Berlagak gila nak speaking English ngan aku."

Memang takleh avoid la masalah camni. Biasanya kaum Melayu la yang cakap camtuh. Pastuh bila dengar Chinese ngan Indian communicate dalam English, dorang akan cakap,

"Gila lah budak Cina/India speaking. Laju gila kot. Dah la ada accent British yada yada yada. "

So, nampak tak. Bila kita nak maju kalau macam ni. Bahasa Inggeris ni international language. Kita kena kuasai supaya kita tak dipandang rendah, tak mudah ditipu and etc etc. 

Bukan maksud aku nak kena speaking 24/7, 365. Tapi kalau boleh, insert la english dalam daily life kita. Maybe masa texting ke. Chatting ke.

TAPI kan, tengok time jugak lah nak speaking pon. Takkan dengan pekebun nak speaking bro. Agak² la. Kalau camtuh memang kena bash la. Maksud aku ngan kawan², adik bradik dan siapa² yang korang rasa patot la. 

p/s: Takdenya kita nak lupa cakap bahasa Melayu kalau kita mahir bahasa Inggeris. ;)


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Camwhore of two guys.

This is what happens when I left my camera. Only then I realized that guys do camwhore stuff too. Haha. Gotcha!

 Now introducing, Adi and Adil, my brothers! * applause*

Adi is on the right hand side. And Adil is the one on your left.

p/s: I like guy who knows how to swim. Just saying. :p


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What's wrong with the 2nd?

Peace be upon you beautiful ladies. And yeah, handsome guys too. 

Nice and cute and tasty and I want!

Actually I have something else in mind to update. Butttt after I read something from here, I feel called to type this post. I know you're that kind of, I'm-so-busy-that-I-wont-click-the-link, so yeah, I'd snapshot it for you. Yes, for you.

This is from The Other Khairul's Blog. If you don't know him, you must be from Mars. Haha, nahh kidding.

O snap! I'm not going to promote him or anything. I just want to focus on the red box I made at paint. Thanks Microsoft for that.

Have you ever heard before the second child of the family is like this, is like that, is different from the rest? And most of them are complaining. That is what I don't get the most.

I don't understand. What's wrong with the second actually? As far as I know, the second child is always the coolest. ;) 

Out of so many numbers, why the second? Why oh why? Of course I bother bcos I am the second born of the family. Say owhhh if you just know about this.

p/s: If you don't mind, would you share the behavior of the second child in your family? It might be your brother, your sister or maybe yourself? I would love to hear about it.

