Sunday, September 28, 2014

Just because.

"Why do you like red?"
"Just because."

Too often, in my life, I use this "just because" phrase. But the truth is, there must be a reason for every act that have led to my decision.

I've got to admit that I don't have the ability to put my thoughts and feelings into words, into sentences to make other people understand why exactly I do/choose things. The reasons are there, hiding behind my medulla oblongata, or maybe in between the cerebrum and cerebellum but it seems like they don't find their way out. Stuck.

I believe there must be a reason. I need to practice to say things.

Notes: Just because= saja-saja. Jangan pula ditanya just because of what? Just because is a complete sentence in case if you didn't know. :)

Btw yesterday, I went to Big Bad Wolf at Pasaraya Rapid 2, Seremban. Surprisingly, tak ramai orang. Okay ramai jugakla but not to the extent that I have to push people around for the sake of nak cari buku idaman. Haha tak payah bersesak pon.

This was one of the book that I've bought. Ain't a fan of Sudoku. Tapi beli jugak. Bincangkan sebab-sebab yang mungkin telah menyebabkan Maicher beli buku tersebut. (10 marks) Jawapan "just because" adalah salah sama sekali.

On an unrelated note, I urge myself and you guys to perbanyakkan amal soleh pada 10 hari pertama Zulhijjah.

Boleh puasa sunat 1 - 9 Zulhijjah terutama ( Zulhijjah iaitu Puasa Sunat Hari 'Arafah, solat sunat, doa dan zikrullah, baca dan tadabbur Al-quran, infaq, selawat ke atas junjungan nabi Muhammad SAW, amalkan sunnah² nabi, eratkan silaturrahim dan ukhuwwah, hadiri majlis ilmu agama, nasihat menasihati dan lain² lagi.

Tujelah rasanya update kali ini. Selamat meneruskan sisa hidup dengan jaya dan gembira.

May peace be upon ya!
