Thursday, May 31, 2012


It's funny how we, human being of different hair colors, would use the word comel for different purpose. And due to that, I'm gonna list my according-to-me-comel-list. Here it goes.

                            1. Baby. Who on this earth would think they aren't? *stares*

2. Elephant.

3. Dr. Faiz Khaleed. Fyi, I don't have crush on him before this. But since I saw him on Masterchef with the apron, pans, spatula and the rest of the kitchen stuff last week, my fangirling hormone runs. OMG why is this creature's so cute?! I feel like pinching his cheeks! Don't blame me, it's the hormone. Move on to the next comel please! 

4. Pastel colors. I'm a die hard fan of pastel colours! Pastel colours FTW! Eh.


5. Maria Elena. I just love her. Shes cute, shes smart, shes funny, and anddd she got stunning fiance! She got that X. Yes, that unknown-hard-to-get X.

6. Fat kids. Never fails to appear cute!

7. Joo yoo rin. Shes way so cuteeee! And look, shes clad in pastel colour people! Bonus here, so shes now dablo cutio! Ippo!

8. My new blog skin. I just think its cute. Nahh come on, don't give me that look. Different person got different opinion on comel kan?? 

Okay, I'm done here. Actually theres few more but I think, who would read a crappy long post? So till then.


Monday, May 28, 2012


"I don't ditch easily what had been mine before, even if I got a new one. Seal my words.

"I'm going to sleep for forever"
"I'll be available on the net 24/7, 365."
"I'm so gonna watch series and movies till late night. "

Yeahh, yeahh, that's before examination finish.
Now what?

I just want to feel carefree. At least for this 3 weeks. Alhamdulillah for all good things that I have. May happiness be along with you too.



Monday, May 21, 2012

Lagi pasal UZA.

Kan before ni aku ada cite pasal group UZA aku, so ni ada lagi aku nak cita pasal dorang.

Dua minggu lepas, aku dengan 2 orang lagi budak UZA yang lain diminta pertolongan. Time tuh study week and aku ada paper EDU 3101 (Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan) hari Isnin, 14hb May.

Kalau korang student IPG, tau lah betapa ezaknya paper EDU 3101. Aku tak dapat nak luahkan dengan kata² betapa aku tak sukanya paper ni. (Sebenarnya nak kata meluat tapi macam ekstreme sangat >.< )

Masa orang tu mintak tolong, dah hari rabu which is 9hb May. Aku agak keberatan nak pegi tolong sebenarnya. Aku baru cover 2 chapter kottt. Tapi dah dua orang kawan aku tuh pegi tolong, cam tak sedap ah plak aku tak pegi kan.

So, yeah, pegilah aku ngan dorang tuh. Itu ini begitu begini, habeslah tolong dalam kol 11 malam. Balik-balik tengok nota sket pastuh ngantuk teros tido.

Keesokannya plak, dangggg, orang tuh mintak tolong lagi. Dalam hati aku, oh crappp crapppp jangan cakap korang nak pegi lagi, dan apa yang aku sangka tu memang betul. Sorang ni bersemangat gila nak tolong. Yang sorang tu dah teragak-agak dah.

Memandangkan dorang tu klasmate, yang Emma (bukan nama sebenar) ni bersemangat dan begitu gigih convince kan si Kelly ni. Dia tak cakap pape kat aku. Maybe sebab aku tak rapat sangat ngan dia. 

"Weh jomlah pegi Kelly. Jom la jom la." 
"Haishhh hurmm ngaaak kite tak study lagi ni Emma ".
"Takpela, kan ada masa lagi. Jom la jom la."

Yang aku ni plak, dilemma nak pegi ke tak. Harini dah khamis nih. Tapi last² aku pegi gak. Perihal ikhlas ke tak, Allah jelah yang tau. Ngaaaak~

Dalam perjalanan nak pegi tu, aku pun tanya,

"Emma dah banyak ke study?"
"Ada la sikit²."
"Pastuh tak risau ke?"
Dia senyum je.

Pastuh Kelly yang tadinya teragak-agak nak pegi, cakap cemni,
"Sebenarnya kitorang nak cari keberkatan. At least nanti kat akhirat kalau Allah tanya apa sumbangan kite untuk Islam, ni lah buktinya."

Nahh kauuuuuu, tersentap gear 14 teros aku! Huhuhu T____T

So moral of the story is, dalam pada kita sibuk dengan duniawi, jangan abaikan perihal akhirat. Mentang la nak exam, orang mintak tolong teros taknak. Kena yakin dengan janji Allah, "Barangsiapa yang menolong (agama) Allah, Allah pasti menolongnya, dan meneguhkan/kedudukannya.

Bukan janji boyfriend tuh. Janji Allah. Yakin! Yakin! Yakin!

p/s: 22 May sama dengan 1 rejab 14311 Masihi. Barang siapa berpuasa 2 hari di awal Rejab, seakan ibadah dua tahun. Puasa yuk teman²! :D


This is for those who are stress with their study.

  Make a fist and put it in the center of this.
The dots appear to come faster! 


Friday, May 18, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I love you.


So today is Naqba Day aite? Eysh wait, I can hear someone ask, Naqba? What is thattttt?

Naqba Day means "Hari Bencana". In case if you don't know (which saya pun baru tau tadi), Palestine dah 63 tahun bawah Israel. Kiranya Hari Naqba ni adalah hari memperingati pengusiran rakyat Palestine from their own country. Yes, their very own country. 

So, that explains la masa pagi² saya bukak facebook, ramai yang default picture nya warna brownish mrownnn crownn gituhh.

Sehingga semalam ni la jumlah yang support campaign ni. Out of 6++ kawan saya.

Yes, we can't change anything pon by just tukar default picture. BUT ONE THING FOR SURE, people will start to notice about what happens (the Hunger Strike) and perhaps all muslim can  give their dua to them. 

Now one question, how many of us yang setiap kali dalam doanya, dia masukkan sekali doa untuk saudara² kita di Palestine, Syria and etc. Kalau ada, *hats off*, I salute you.

Saya sendiri, ni pengakuan ni, jarang doa untuk dorang. Doa secara general tu tak dikira la kan. Yang "dan semua umat Islam yang masih hidup dan yang telah meninggal dunia" Tak, taknak yang tuh. Nak yang bebetul dedicate untuk dorang. 

This is mine. 

So the brown colour is actually the colour of clothing enforced by the Israeli prison service on the Palestinian prisoner. 

Let's change our default picture now to show that we care about them. Let's spread awareness about our brother and sister being prisoned in Israel and currently on Hunger Strike. This is the least that we can do. :'(  

Come on, stop being ignorance. This small lil effort will give big impact yakknow. 

p/s: So whats the connection with the title? No connection at all. Cuba kalau saya letak title Naqba Day, how many of you yang akan bukak post tu. Mungkin takde langsung. But since several of my friend nak tauuuu sangat whos my crush, they might think I would spill the beans here. No way peeps, no way. Nanti saya kawen barulah anda semua tahu. Btw, sorry. :p


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lesson learnt.

Those who can make you happy can also make you unhappy.

Oh I forgot, they are just human. And human makes mistakes.
And by being human,  they also deserve to be forgiven too.

Feeling disappointed,
Maisarah Alloha.


Saturday, May 5, 2012


Few days back, my brother texted me,

"Study is getting harder and harder. *sigh*."

I can feel him. I've been there, done that too. At the age of 16, everything seems so hard. I feel tense, blur, and the list goes on. 

I was kind of, what to reply, what to reply?? At last I ended up replied,

"Keep  holding on."

Kita ni takkan pernah berhenti berasa lelah. Masa sekolah dulu pulun belajar sebab nak score UPSR/PMR/SPM. Pastuh bila dah habes, sambung plak kat kolej/universiti.

Kat universiti, pulun plak nak dapat dean list setiap sem. Bila dah grad, dapatlah degree. Bila dah degree, pikir nak carik keje plak.

Alhamdulillah dah setel bab keje, pikir pasal kawen plak. Carik² utara, timur, selatan barat, pon jumpa lah.

Dah kawen, ada anak plak. Kena pikir camane nak didik anak supaya jadi soleh/solehah pandai bijaksana dan sebagainya.

Then, what's next? Death. Yes. 

See, camtu je cycle kehidupan kita ni. We just have to bear with it. Bear with it a lil bit longer. Because you know,

We're on our way towards eternal relief.
Maisarah Alloha

p/s: So this is actually what I wanna tell him.
